My numbers up #24

Judy’s Numbers Game #25

Judys number this week is 147. Let’s see what I can find with that number. If all else fails, I’ll try 741.
147 image is the first photo. Number search for 741 didn’t find anything, all the others are number 417

We’re off (with a bang)

Beckys #SquaresRenew
Weekly Prompts Wednesday Prompt: Regret
CFFC: Locks, Keys, Knobs and Handles

Hey what better way to start celebrating the return of Squares with some triple dipping.
First of all I’ll start with saying if you don’t join in #SquaresRenew you’ll be missing out on lots of fun, plus a chance to think about all sorts of things. In short, you’ll REGRET not joining in.

I’d tell you all about it but why not go and find out what Becky would like to see. Just remember either take your photo in 1:1 format or square the others. You don’t want Becky to go tsk tsk or you may REGRET it.

At times replacing something a bit worn and needs renewing is a way to feel good

At other times being looked after makes it easy to look forward but still retain your patina

Doors may open but sometimes you have to give the doorknob a gentle turn to peek inside

Or why not add some colour to your life, a splash here and there can make all the difference

Maybe take a holiday and explore the old and cruise through the days. I like Paris Autumn

Most of all after finding what you need to feel renewed, the key is in the front door.
The door is always open too when you need to feel the comforts of home if it seems dark outside.

and I managed to get all of Cee’s suggestions in locks, keys, knobs and handles plus squared and I have no REGRET posting 😁

I thought maybe being the first post of the @SquaresRenew this is the song

My numbers up #17

Judy’s Numbers Game #18

This weeks numbers to search among my media files is 139. I’ll try 319

319 turned up a number of photos. This first three are taken with my Canon Tlb SLR film camera a bazillion years ago. I just scanned and left them as is. I was quite excited to get a dragonfly flying.

Was driving with a mate on a few days away when I saw a Wedged-tailed Eagle sitting in a paddock. By the time I was ready to take a photo, the Wedgie took giving me an even better photo as it carried a rabbit away..

A photo of a backyard firepit. I have no idea what was in there, just wood I thought. Don’t look too long, especially those with Pareidolia. I’ve been lost in there a few times seeing all sorts.

A puddle selfie

#SpikySquares Bush saws. A hard way to fell a tree

#SpikySquares in someones garden

There must have been an ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) challenge. A tree at a guess

A Magpie Lark scurrying across the grass, more of the ICM challenge

A little truck in Paris

The corner of my sun room

My numbers up #15

Judy’s Numbers Game

Another trip into the unknown. This time 713 was used as 137 came up bare.

Tower on Trades Hall, Sydney

Spire on a building in Newtown, Sydney

Interactive art work in Pompidou Gallery, Paris

A fountain in Paris near the Pompidou Centre. Selective colour red used

A fountain in Paris near the Pompidou Centre Selective colour blue used

Trevi Fountain, Rome

Windows Sagrada Familia, Barcelona

Grub’s tracks moving around under bark revealed

An Eastern Grey Kangaroo around here somewhere

Sunrise at my place. Not sure who the photo bomber is

Spiders web in the late afternoon

This is the sunset view I have

My numbers up #3 – 125

Judy’s Number Game #4: 125

The numbers 125 didn’t reveal much in the media files but I think I have found a good selection.
I am not sure where these were posted originally, although the square ones would suggest a Beckys Square Photo Challenge may have been involved.

I guess this would have been a minimalist challenge

Two species of Stingless Native Bees on a Day Lily plus an ant

A Teddy Bear Bee deep in concentration on a Pentas flower

Looking into a Madagascan Lily

The wonderful detail of a Begonia flower with its hairy leaves

A piece of neon art in the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris

Running on empty

Lens-Artists Challenge #277: Empty Spaces

Unsure of what to do again. I had to discard some as I call them minimalist.
Does Minimalism fit into empty spaces? This is one I discarded.

So on I went, and went on a gallery search…….yeah lazy I know but I have lots of
stuff to do. I picked a few gave them a sort and started to do descriptions. That’s
when I got a bit carried away. I still am not sure what is wanted but here’s a
selection of photos that have an empty feel I hope.
I have a couple I wanted to post but can’t find them, oh well, get on with it.

Uplifted by clouds
sunlit daytime
our moon

Look about
the art of
empty space

Once there be slaves
wild beasts
in the Verona Arena

Long ago
people roamed
these halls

A century before
Parisiens ascended
these stairs

On the horizon
swallowed by swell
sail on sailor

Contemplation walk
shifting sands

Sunrise awakens
waves rolling
morning has broken

Sunset calls
take wing
return to roost

To satisfy the earworm given to the Jackson Browne fans

The last of France

Dan’s Thursday Doors

Almost finished my European doors. This time we are in Lyon and Paris.

Starting in Paris. Sorry no idea where

I do know that these doors are on Notre Dame

A couple of doors from Lyon. The lower part looks a bit weather beaten don’t you think?

This is a fabulous I was thinking Art Deco or Art Nouveau but perhaps older. I really have no idea do I.