My numbers up #20

Judy’s Numbers Game #21
RDP Monday: Offbeat
Cee’s FOTD

Judy’s numbers for this week – 142. I’ll check for photos in my media files with a 142, if nothing appears I’ll switch to 412 which gave up a couple and then 214 to gather some more.

I was going to do some sort of order but I like the randomness of the photos.

A seat inside (pull up a pew)

CFFC: Indoor Seating

Sneaking in a second #SquaresRenew as well. For some, a church can be a place for renewal where you can reconstruct your life and move forward. I guess there are burgeoning religions too.
From my childhood religious time of life when we HAD to go to church. I didn’t mind as I met up with the usual gang of kids that always hung around together, boys and girls and then had fun until we HAD to go home for Sunday lunch.

In the darkness
what is that
Shuffle forward
in the dark
what is that
Walking now
what is that
The Light

Slide to go from the darkness into the light

I guess it’s all down to Mr Soul

Everyday (for some)

Leanne’s Monochrome Madness
Sarah ‘s Monochrome Madness

I don’t have this many vases

Oh……it’s been a long day

All packed and ready to go

Just a few magazines to read

Pin the pages together with some paper clips

Get outside and put some plants in the pots

A few everyday things

After all, we are Everyday People

Going to town (it’s a day out)

Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Leanne has used outside of the city and into the country as her own theme for this week so as this is an easy theme for me to use, being a bush boy, I’m joining in.
So open the gate and let’s go. Don’t forget to shut the gate behind you – leave the gates on farms as you found them.

No we’re not going to go in the old truck

I’m not catching horses either, so the buggy is not on too.

OK. Let’s get going to the shops, I have to get a few things at the hardware shop. Your mother wants a “real window” now.

C’mon Speedy, out of the way, we’re going to town and no there’s no snacks for Red-necked Wallabies, you know that.
OK, hop it and go find Mum.

She’s over in the gully, the one with the big Grass Trees.

We’ll have to go past the stock yards, I have to check to see if we need anything for the cattle work needed tomorrow after the mornings milking.

Almost home, they all are looking good. We can have a good look at the dairy tonight and make a note of any of the girls that need a bit of TLC.

That was a big day, wasn’t it

It’s a Great Southern Land

The uncolour (of rust)

Leanne’s Monochrome Madness: Decay
CMMC April: Close up or Macro

The nuts and bolts of bridge building

Secured by chains

Slide to open

Flapping tin

Do you have a tow truck? Then I have the car for you.
Some with engines. Push one home today.
– Brians Honest Car Yard

Waiting for the postie

Hear the voices (gentle lowing)

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Haunt

It is said, that over at the Burton’s old dairy that people hear voices. Old Jimmy Burton calling his girls, as he liked to call them, into the dairy for milking.
C’mon Gladdie, your turn.
Lizzie move on out. Stop trying be gettin’ at more feed!
There are other voices too, of the dairymen employed to help out. Jimmy wasn’t as spry as he was. They weren’t as kind to the cows as Jimmy was but that’s not to say they were cruel or horrid as anyone who knows dairies, the cows are the number one. Sometimes they’ll pushed a cow out of the stall instead of asking nicely as Jimmy did.

It was a cold July morning, you couldn’t see the girls coming but could hear a few of them complaining, as the older girls did, trudging up the hill to the dairy shed for milking.
The gates were open, the enticing feed in the bins and all spick and span waiting for the first customers.
The cows, being quite intuitive, knew something wasn’t right. Soon there was a traffic bank up as the lead cows stopped at the gates.

No one was calling Hurry along Berta, we haven’t got all morning, it was very subdued.

The cows never did get milked that morning or any other morning. Years by years the old dairy started to fall even more silent as the memories faded, until it was just an old shed on the hill under the Eucalypts.

Walk up the hill, sit under a tree and listen to Jimmy and his girls

Monochrome (I like these)

Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Leanne’s post is her all time favourite monochrome photos.

I thought I would join in as well with a few from the past of my photos I like. Of course it is the usual from sunrise to sunset with all manner of delights in between.