One day at the nest (starving)

Lens-Artists Challenge #299: Hopeful
Becky’s #SquaresRenew

Hey Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Yeah Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Oh Mum, pleeeese we’re starving….we’re going to die……I love you so much
Stop it! We’re hungry

C’mon everyone help out…….Mum Mum Mum is it dinner time Mum Mum Mum

Mum Mum me first.
No me.
Over here
I’m the hungriest.
No you’re not I am

See, I told you it would work.

Now, on the count of three let’s go again…1…2…3…Mum Mum Mum

I told him to be back with the next load quickly, I’m getting a headache.

Helplessly Hoping

Going to town (it’s a day out)

Leanne’s Monochrome Madness

Leanne has used outside of the city and into the country as her own theme for this week so as this is an easy theme for me to use, being a bush boy, I’m joining in.
So open the gate and let’s go. Don’t forget to shut the gate behind you – leave the gates on farms as you found them.

No we’re not going to go in the old truck

I’m not catching horses either, so the buggy is not on too.

OK. Let’s get going to the shops, I have to get a few things at the hardware shop. Your mother wants a “real window” now.

C’mon Speedy, out of the way, we’re going to town and no there’s no snacks for Red-necked Wallabies, you know that.
OK, hop it and go find Mum.

She’s over in the gully, the one with the big Grass Trees.

We’ll have to go past the stock yards, I have to check to see if we need anything for the cattle work needed tomorrow after the mornings milking.

Almost home, they all are looking good. We can have a good look at the dairy tonight and make a note of any of the girls that need a bit of TLC.

That was a big day, wasn’t it

It’s a Great Southern Land

Hear the voices (gentle lowing)

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Haunt

It is said, that over at the Burton’s old dairy that people hear voices. Old Jimmy Burton calling his girls, as he liked to call them, into the dairy for milking.
C’mon Gladdie, your turn.
Lizzie move on out. Stop trying be gettin’ at more feed!
There are other voices too, of the dairymen employed to help out. Jimmy wasn’t as spry as he was. They weren’t as kind to the cows as Jimmy was but that’s not to say they were cruel or horrid as anyone who knows dairies, the cows are the number one. Sometimes they’ll pushed a cow out of the stall instead of asking nicely as Jimmy did.

It was a cold July morning, you couldn’t see the girls coming but could hear a few of them complaining, as the older girls did, trudging up the hill to the dairy shed for milking.
The gates were open, the enticing feed in the bins and all spick and span waiting for the first customers.
The cows, being quite intuitive, knew something wasn’t right. Soon there was a traffic bank up as the lead cows stopped at the gates.

No one was calling Hurry along Berta, we haven’t got all morning, it was very subdued.

The cows never did get milked that morning or any other morning. Years by years the old dairy started to fall even more silent as the memories faded, until it was just an old shed on the hill under the Eucalypts.

Walk up the hill, sit under a tree and listen to Jimmy and his girls

It’s a my post (post post)

FOWC: Displaced
Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Misunderstanding

This post such a great spot. Insects don’t stand a chance.

Hey Steve, just came by to let you know that Merv reckons that it’s his post. and you better rack off.

Whoa the Merv, what’s your point? I think there may be a misunderstanding.
This post ain’t big enough for the both of us Steve.
I probably would have taken you more seriously if you didn’t use a Henry Bogart voice Merv.

Yeah, that’s right, rack off knob nose. Consider your self displaced.

No, you rack off pfftt

Yeah! Well let’s see whose post this is Merv!
OK! Let’s see what you’ve got Steve!

How about a bit of this.

Go on. Get going. This is my post now. Go find your own!

You haven’t seen the last of me Steve

Ya reckon Merv?

I’ll be back

Blimey Merv, what’s with the terrible impersonations. I’ve had enough.

Just gossip (or is it)

Mindlovemisery Menagerie: Photo Challenge #502

Did you hear about Nacilep’s, she’s not happy with his behaviour. You know them, the ones further up the mangroves, closer to the breakwall. The Nacilep’s usually roost in the pandanus

They just aren’t getting along

He’s often down at the beach, hanging around the breakwall with the Gulls and Cormorants, everyone knows what happens down there.

One day he was going crazy, snapping at some Gulls. I know they can be annoying, his reaction was a bit over the top

Apparently he’s been seen sleeping around

Often does the walk of shame in the mornings along the beach back to their roost

Or he just goes and hangs out with his mates, doesn’t even bother to call

Basically, he doesn’t give an arse about anybody

He’s really not himself

Now your in a beach mood, let’s keep it going under the boardwalk

That way

CWWC: Which ways with the colour green

“Which way did he go?”

“He went that way, real fast!”

“Who me?”

“Don’t scare me like that”

“You guys crack me up”

Maybe they went down to Green River with Creedence Clearwater Revival

Looking for Lori’s key

“Hey Carl, can you help me out for a sec? I dropped my key.”

“Are you sure it’s in here Lori?”
“Yes, just keep looking.”
“What colour is it?”
“Colour! What colour? Look at us Carl. What “colour” would you expect?”

“I don’t know Lori. I never think about things as deeply as you do.”
“Maybe look a bit deeper Carl stick your whole head in.”
“You do it Lori. I’m staying on the edge, it’s your key.”

“Hurrah………..we found it!!”

A bit of a disagreement

The things that happen around here.
I try do to help out the birds and animals in the current drought situation. I have quite a number of bird and animal watering points around the garden plus I have a couple of home made bird seed feeders for the seed eating birds such as parrots and doves mainly. I had to make the big one in the foreground as the old one crashed to the ground and broke thanks to fat possums jumping on it to see if there was any leftover seed.
Anyway, this is a bit of a story and action that happened this morning

“Hey you, what do you think you you’re doing hanging around here?”
“There’s enough to go around you red faced idiot!”
“What did you call me?”
“You heard!”
“Go on, say that again feather head!”

“Go on, get out of here. We don’t need your type around here.”
“And wipe that grin off that dopey face.”

“Yeah that’s it, fly off you scarlet chicken. Keep going, we don’t need your
type around here,”

“I don’t want to see those stupid tail feathers again.”

“That’s it. All the way. Don’t stop until you can’t hear me.”

*On the feeder the girls discuss the latest
“Did you hear that ruckus Darlene?”
“I did Shazza, those boys should learn to get along.”
“I think Dazza just wanted to get Gaz out of the way as he fancies you.”
“Ya reckon. Well he is a bit of alright I guess.”

“Look out Darlene, here he comes and I think he wants to nibble a bit more
than some seeds.”
“Strewth Shazza, you are awful. That’s right, leave me before he gets here.”
“You’ll be fine Darlene.”
“Did you hear that?”

“I just heard Gaz whistle so I might see what he has found”

(King Parrot call from

Who’s laughing now

IJ’s Bird of the Week Invitation XXXI

I made a promise to post Kookaburras. There are two species of
Kookaburras, Blue-winged Kookaburras which are further north from my
place. I have never seen one although my daughter living in SE Queensland
has had them on her clothes line.

The Laughing Kookaburra is the most common and found almost
everywhere in Australia. Their nest is a bare chamber in a naturally
occurring tree hollow or in a burrow excavated in an arboreal
(tree-dwelling) termite mound

They are quite a handsome bird.

Everyone knows their call. I was always amused as a kid watching Johnny
Weissmuller jungle movies, Tarzan and Jungle Jim and there in the
background sound are kookaburras.

Laughing Kookaburras are family birds, “usually offspring of the previous
one to two years, act as ‘helpers’ during the breeding season. Every bird in
the group shares all parenting duties.
They feed mostly on insects, worms and crustaceans, although small
snakes, mammals, frogs and birds may also be eaten. Prey is seized
by pouncing from a suitable perch. Small prey is eaten whole, but
larger prey is killed by bashing it against the ground or tree branch.”

Here is a young bird catching dinner thrown by Dad. The whole story
sequence is in Dinner Time

Always on alert for a snack to move on the ground, often seen sitting on
fence posts.

The tail feathers are quite a treat as well.

Well, it’s still cold outside in early Spring so it’s best to cuddle together to
keep warm.


Here is another photo story if you would like to see a bit more about the
wonderful Laughing Kookaburras.