One day at the nest (starving)

Lens-Artists Challenge #299: Hopeful
Becky’s #SquaresRenew

Hey Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Yeah Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Oh Mum, pleeeese we’re starving….we’re going to die……I love you so much
Stop it! We’re hungry

C’mon everyone help out…….Mum Mum Mum is it dinner time Mum Mum Mum

Mum Mum me first.
No me.
Over here
I’m the hungriest.
No you’re not I am

See, I told you it would work.

Now, on the count of three let’s go again…1…2…3…Mum Mum Mum

I told him to be back with the next load quickly, I’m getting a headache.

Helplessly Hoping

One day (at the nest)

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: One Day

A nest
let’s take a peek.
Two eggs, been there
for over a week.
Safe place
the parents picks
just right
to hatch chicks.

One day

A squawk
an anxious need
hurry up
more feed.
Hope that
Dad can speed
hurry up
more feed!

Oh that noise
quieten best
settle down
Sit on the nest!
Now you two
go to sleep
close eyes
not a peep.

Peace at last

Pick a Word – March 2024

Thursdays Special: Pick a Word

Some fun words this month so I will have to see what I can find for these words.






That was fun thanks Paula

On the nest

Weekly Prompt Wednesday Challenge: Wait
Fandango’s One Word Challenge: Plan

They got together
and made a plan
gather some
grass, feathers
even moss

Next was to
lay eggs….
so far
the plan was
going well

Now to sit
to wait
to sit
to wait
sit some more

Look this way
look that
but still
and wait

One day
which seemed
an eternity
a crack
a peep

Oh dear
always hungry
can’t wait
just look at them
just hear them
always hungry

I just have
to ask
do you have
this going on
every day

Do you know
what I mean?
You make a plan
you wait
you are tired
Do you know
what I mean?

Here’s to two

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Twin

Pacific Black Ducks

They always know when a meal is coming

The Weekly Prompts Wednesday Challenge: Anticipate

After lovely comments about a recent photo of the Willie Wagtails chicks anticipating a meal from their parents, I did a trawl through other birds whose chicks are always ready for a snack.

Brown Honeyeaters


Grey Fantails

Pied Currawong

Welcome Swallows

Pick a Word – December 2021

Thursdays Special: Pick a Word December 2021

Paulas words for me to match an image