My numbers up #18

Judy’s Numbers Game #19

Judy spun the wheel and todays numbers are………140
My numbers will be….well blow me down 140 turned up the first photo of a flower

I had to switch to 401 to get a few more photo to show you things that are in my gallery. Hang onto you hat, it’s a whirlwind from here to there

Oh I love this tree – Sulpher-crested Cockatoo

A flower with water drops the ultimate macro

Who wants to follow me down the path to…………

There is street art best viewed from a distance

But don’t get too close to sculptures

But always get close to cakes

It looks like it turned up a water reflection abstract for Jez’s WWE

A tiny boat in a sparkly sea

Fireworks, always fun

The numbers also turned up some of my favourite photos like the following four

Stingless Native Bees and a Clivia flower

Black Jezebel Butterfly on a Lantana flower

One of my early abstracts. A spiders web with a colourful garden behind

One of my all time favourite travel photos. I was staying in Dijon at a B&B and the owners suggested we take a day trip to Beaune on the train. It is a lovely town and well worth a visit. Walking down the street there was a small commotion and a man got my attention and pointed to the window above the street. All three didn’t stay out for long and this was a lucky photo.

The cats of Beaune, France

My numbers up #3 – 125

Judy’s Number Game #4: 125

The numbers 125 didn’t reveal much in the media files but I think I have found a good selection.
I am not sure where these were posted originally, although the square ones would suggest a Beckys Square Photo Challenge may have been involved.

I guess this would have been a minimalist challenge

Two species of Stingless Native Bees on a Day Lily plus an ant

A Teddy Bear Bee deep in concentration on a Pentas flower

Looking into a Madagascan Lily

The wonderful detail of a Begonia flower with its hairy leaves

A piece of neon art in the Georges Pompidou Centre in Paris

Share Your Desktop – October 2023

Clare’s Share Your Desktop

In October the Hippeastrums are flowering and the little Stingless Native Bees have a bonus for pollen gathering.

This photo is from 2017. There are a lot less Stingless Native Bees this year. The populations haven’t had a big increase since the fires in December 2019. I lost a Brush Box Tree with a hive in it that was near the house due to the fire.
Earlier this tear, a big Ironbark tree in the street had the whole top blown off in a storm. Amongst the debris was a very large Native Bees hive. There are some bees still around but in much reduced numbers

Last on the Card – August 2023

Last Photo for August 2023

Everyone who contributes their good and not so good photos has fun I hope. I enjoy seeing your photos. Thanks to those being brave enough to show everyone your last photo or photos from your phone and camera.
It doesn’t have to be on the very last day of the month if you didn’t take any photos. Maybe it was earlier in the month when the last photo was taken.

So let’s see what you have for August 2023

The rules are simple:
1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 30th July or whenever your last photo was taken.
2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
5. Use the tags The Last Photo and #LastOnTheCard

Here’s mine. Last months photos really is a mixed bag. Some may seem familiar.

From my Samsung Galaxy S9

From my Canon PowerShot SX70HS

From my Canon EOS 1300D

This is May 2023

Well May was the absolute turn around in weather. From a very warm Autumn to Winter conditions arriving in the last month of Autumn. My daughter and her partner came out and we went bush and cut a good trailer load of firewood. Luckily found a couple of good logs, one was blocking the track and the other was one that had fallen after the fires in December 2019. There are a lot of tree that are down so I might have a good selection this winter.

That was the first May that I can remember putting the flannelette sheets on the bed and lighting the fire. The days are in the mid to low 20’sC but the nights are into the low single figures. Last night was 3C and today was 25C. May is also the time for some birds to drop in to have a feed and look around. More of that later.

I went to the State Landcare Gathering in Coffs Harbour, a beach town down the coast from here. It was a good gathering and I enjoyed seeing a lot of people from around the state I only get to see at conferences like this.

This song is a bit long so maybe listen to a bit while you have a look at my May

As I mentioned, I went to Coffs Harbour for the State Landcare Gathering. I was hoping to get some sunrise over the sea photos. Defeated by cloud each morning

Nearby was a little creek that offered some photo opportunities.

I saw a couple of ducks feeding and having a paddle. Until I looked at the photo I didn’t notice the Eastern Water Dragon. Did you?

Back home. An Eastern Yellow Robin contemplates a bath. It has been quite cold at night but the days warm.

Looks like he went in

A wonderful song that has been ringing out lately in the high canopy has been from the Golden Whistlers. They are here on and off but are here in May.

Silver-eyes have been dropping in as the flocks move north

A regular May visitor is the Rose Robin. Isn’t that blush of pink delightful on the male

The female Rose Robin checking out the verandah for snacks. She only has a light dusting of pink.

Another drop in was a Brown Pigeon. They sporadically call in to give the garden the once over

I never know when Crimson Rosellas will turn up. They don’t squawk and carry on as most of the other parrots do. Mostly I hear their quiet chatter among themselves

One morning I looked out of the kitchen window and saw this Grey-crowned Babbler. It looked like a young one and was by itself, which is very unusual, as Babblers are family birds. I can only guess is that it is a male and they have said it’s time to leave the nest. He hopped about for a while out front, flicking over leaves and probing Bandicoot snuffle holes. I saw him again yesterday and he almost hopped onto the verandah.

The little Red-backed Fairy Wrens are always hopping around the garden eating insects and seeds. This is a female called a Jenny wren

Another Jenny wren. This time a Variegated Fairy Wren enjoying a nectar drink from a Honey Gem Grevillea

The Yellow-faced Honeyeaters are one of dominant garden birds. They are small but will have a go at most other honeyeaters to protect their patch. They also are one of the alarm birds. They have a “look out there’s something about” call that is distinctive. I know it well as they do it when I walk off the verandah. This one is enjoying the morning sun.

One of the “victims” is the Brown Honeyeater who is smaller than a Yellow-faced and has to zip in and grab a drink before they get noticed

The Eastern Whipbird is notoriously shy. They come into the garden a couple of times a week for a feed and let off a few whips which is so great to hear.

The ever present Laughing Kookaburra. They are not shy and will sit on a branch for ages keeping a look out for anything that moves – lizards, skinks, frogs, grasshoppers or basically most things. They will even grab a snake. Once in its bill, the Kookaburra just smashes it against the branch until it doesn’t move any more

As always, Tiny the King Parrot is keeping an eye on me

It is so hard to capture the actual colour of this Bottlebrush. The Bottlebrush trees have a had a second flowering, maybe it was the warm wet April tricked them into thinking it is Spring

The Camellia had a great flowering this year although I didn’t see the flowers until after a lot had already gone

I love this plant. It was called “The Pink Thing” from a good friend ages a go. Last year was the year the bushes took off and this year they are full of these tubular bell shaped flowers

One of my passions is growing Begonia Rex, any of numerous usually rhizomatous hybrid begonias from an East Indian plant. They have rough-textured leaves patterned in silver and bronze and purple and so many other colours.
I grew this plant from a leaf a few years ago. It outgrew its pot so I re-potted it to a lovely but heavy pot and put it on the verandah, where it is thriving. I love the little buds.

Most of the Begonias are grown for their lovely patterned leaves and the flowers are small delicate bonuses. These are different flowers to all the other plants I have.

As I said, Begonias are grown for their leaves. My hand is under there with fingers spread.

The Hibiscus are having a great flowering too. All of the Miniature Red Hibiscus bushes have been covered in flowers since Spring last year.

This pink variety has never had so many flowers

The white Hydrangea is still in it’s pot on the verandah. It will go into the ground maybe this Spring or this time next year depends on how well it grows over Winter

This is the second flower and there’s new new leaves budding up so it looks like it will be happy to stay on the verandah for winter

I planted a number of Gazanias and was surprised when I found a white one

I just love the colour of this Salvia

Last Macro Monday I posted a close-up view of these yellow roses in the Cathedrals garden. Even in the shade, they just stood out

Here is a Gazania parade. Don’t the colours and stripes remind you of a circus tent?

The pink/mauve/purple petals are held on with little shiny buttons

A couple of days ago a plain but vivid yellow Gazania appeared

The tiny Stingless Native Bees enjoy the nectar and pollen that the Gazania flower gives

I went for a drive to see what’s been happening in the neighbourhood. I haven’t stopped at the old wagon for a while. It’s slowly falling apart. My Grandfather would be aghast. He was a Wheelwright.

Late one afternoon I was walking around and I saw a Red-necked Wallaby so I stood still to see where she was going. After a minute a little Joey appeared from the front garden. By the look of it, she has another Joey in her pouch. They sat and looked around then headed off.

The Moon was quite fabulous through the month. I love the crater bumps around the edge

One afternoon sunset, the Moon was bathed in soft pinks and blue

It’s time to get going. As usual, did you have a favourite photo?

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently, though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you.

There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

Tags and ping-backs

Tag your photos with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

Create a ping-back to Ju-Lyn at Touring My Backyard or this post, so that we can update it with links to all of yours.

Macro Monday – 13 March

There’s nothing worse that flying all the way from the hive to your favourite Blue Ginger flower only to find a huge blockage of a Teddy Bear Bee filling its pollen sacs

The little Stingless Native Bee flying in is about 10mm in length. The pollen sacs in his rear legs are empty so it will off to find another flower.

The Leopard Lily is all abuzz

It started like any normal morning. After unfurling from their nighttime rest, the Leopard Lily flowers petals opened to greet the day.

Already the bees started to arrive to seek vital nectar and pollens to take back to their hives. A European Bee was quite engrossed when a Stingless Native Bee saw what was going on.

“Hey you! You big bag of yellow. Get off my flower!”

The European Bee, whose name was Tom, just kept gathering.
“Oy, didn’t you hear me? Do I have to hover here for ages?” said Steveo, the Stingless Native Bee

Not used to being ignored, Steveo flew right up into the flower
“Look at me,” he said right in Toms face, “It’s time we knew who owned what around this garden.”

“Now look around here,” said Steveo, “From up here all the orange flowers you can see are mine.”

“Are you even looking?” “Come up here and see what I’m talking about.” “Don’t make me come down there!” an exasperated Steveo said.

“Go on, off you go…..and don’t come back!”

“Now for a bit to gather and enjoy”
“Don’t these stamen look a treat?”

“Mfheese rr tho gosth….nom nom nom”

“Hey Steveo, looks like you found a good supply there.”
“Yeth,” said Steveo swallowing hard, “these are so good, want to come and share?”
“No thanks, I’m off to Trevs place. I hear he has some coffee bushes flowering,” said Billy with a wry smile.

Nom nom nom. Steveo made sure that all bits of what the flower had to offer, going over the top and shuffling pollen into his pollen baskets below.

Going along the stamen like this gives……well I’ll let Steveo tell you.
“As I move down, I scrape my rear legs where the pollen baskets are and pollen fills the baskets.”
If you look really hard that little orange ball at the Native Bees rear is the pollen basket. It looks quite full to me.

“Hee hee, looks like no one spotted me”

Cee’s FOTD
Bren’s Floral Friday #86