Walking Squares #7 – Walkway, beach and birds

Becky’s #WalkingSquares
Sunday Stills: #Paths and #Trails Take You to Happy Places

Today wasn’t a good walking day. I didn’t want to drive to walk somewhere and the gravel trucks have been trundling up and down all day. You wouldn’t believe the dust they throw up.

Therefore I want to take you on a bit of a walk along the track to the beach at Evans Head. Here’s your song so let’s go

Out of the car park down we go. On the top of the hind dune She-oaks and Banksias are growing

Sometimes the track goes up and over the next dune and a small stream

Once the vegetation starts to change you know you are getting close to the beach. The Pandanus are the dominant vegetation on thee front dunes and beach and they even grow on rocks.

And around the last bend, through some Pandanus and onto the sand

Sometimes the welcoming committee is large

and at other times, just a couple to greet you but someone will always be on the sand to greet you

PS I know lots of you have seen this little bloke. This is where he was put together with a Pandanus nut and some red kelp. I wonder how long he was sitting in the Paperbark tree before some one noticed. I hope he was treated kindly.

A seat for the weary

Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2022 – Week 43

This bench is at the end of the walk to Granite Rocks Lookout as seen in Becky’s Walking Squares #3

A welcome rest for those on this little walk from the car park. As I had made the 1km uphill trek from the front gate, it was a welcome sight to sit and take in the view for a few moments.

And here is your view