Walking Squares #18 – Timber and insects

Becky’s #WalkingSquares

Today was another day spent doing the walk from the shed to the house. It was a productive day. I have cut all of the timber into the lengths I need to make the gates.

So today I was walking like a man

Here are the last two planks of timber to be cut and the workings. My Makita Drop-Saw has been used to build my house and many a project. It was a bit tired by the end of today but a clean up and service will see it ready for the next project.

Hopefully the next time you see these pieces of wood, they will look a lot different.

While going back and forth sometimes something pops up.

The Sun really lit up the cross on the St Andrews Cross Spiders web.

I knew someone was watching me. Possibly a Splendid Ochre Butterfly but I am not one hundred percent sure

Thankfully I did a major clean up and cover the unused timber as it rained in the evening. The garden needed a good watering.

Walking Squares #17 – Decisions and a Shadow

Becky’s #WalkingSquares

Today was another doing day as well as a not much as the heat of the day sent me inside.

I didn’t take many photos. In the late afternoon I heard a Tawny Frogmouth in the bush near the house so I went to see if I could find it. The Frogmouth was deep into bush unfortunately otherwise todays photo would have been a lot different.

Here I am deciding what needs doing in the late afternoon. Watering the garden won out