Walking Squares #9 – Flowers, a Roller and Trees

Becky’s #WalkingSquares

It was a town day today, new tyres on my car and shopping. While waiting for my tyres, I went for breakfast. Too engrossed in eating plus the lighting was terrible, no breakfast photos but a breakfast burger and cafe hit the spot. Brekkie burger – bacon, eggs, baby leaf spinach and aioli.

Here’s your song as you wander with me. Another Aussie classic written by Ian Moss who is a Grafton local.

Turn right and the next shop is the most wonderful Florist, Bonnies. I often just stand in the doorway and take in all the floral scents. Doesn’t Bonnie have a sense of style in presentation, the small bench, a ladder and the flowers looking a treat.

Down the road a bit there was an old gate. I love these styles of gates

A bit further on, taking a short cut past the tennis club, I saw bright spots of orange so I had to have a closer look. The Ixora bush was covered in orange flower balls

Next to the tennis courts is Ellem Oval, the main cricket pitch in Grafton, waiting for a good rolling

Yes the Jacaranda trees are still in flower

As are the Flame Trees (hence the relevance of the song) I love the red against the purple

But it can’t last forever. Now there are carpets of red……

…..and carpets of purple. In a few weeks time all that will be left are stragglers who decided to flower after everyone else has shown their full glory and will be bereft of blossoms.

Some car owners will be pleased

Cee’s FOTD