The tree fence

Ragtag Daily Prompt Friday: Excrescence

Every time I drive past this tree, which is rarely, I always stop to make sure it is still growing well. It originally would have had fencing wire wrapped around it, using it as a fence stay. Over time the Spotted Gum tree just consumed the wire and grew like this.

Isn’t it amazing what nature can do?

Native Frangipanni Flower

Cee’s FOTD
Bren’s Floral Friday -FF80

The scent that surrounds the house at the moment is lovely. There are only two trees that have a few flowers but they smell heavenly in the afternoon and early morning.

Walking Squares #19 – The beach and shadows

Becky’s #WalkingSquares

This walk is going back a few years when on a holiday in Tasmania. What prompted me to do this post was a few days ago when I used my shadow photo.

I guess we better get down on the beach

The beach was quite a long one but the walk wasn’t all that far

The setting Sun on a warm October day

Every one liked my long legs so I thought I would have a friend join me and you can now have double the enjoyment. The setting sun is the best time to get that long leg feeling

Among the dunes, the Pig Face was flowering

The colourful rocks of the Bay of Fires. The red is a lichen that grows on the granite rocks

There was a Pacific Gull hanging out on the rocks

*”The Bay of Fires did not actually earn its name because of its appearance. It was named “Bay of Fires” in 1773 by Captain Tobias Furneaux, who looked out and saw countless fires along the Tasmanian coast”


Pick a Word – November 2022

Lost in Translations Pick a Word

Paula’s words were hard not to try and find one photo for a couple of words. It’s more fun with a photo for each don’t you think? Following these photos there is a quiz, so pay attention.






OK Had time to take in each photo?

The question is – Which photo is the odd one out? A quiz with a twist 🙂

It’s the T birds

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge November Alphabet: T in the middle or end of a Word

SpoTTed Quail Thrush

SpoTTed PardeloTe

Golden-headed CisTicola

Varied SiTTella

LiTTle WaTTlebird

Musk LorikeeT

Scaly BreasTed LorikeeT

Rainbow LorikeeT

King ParroT

Rainbow Bee-eaTers

Yellow TufTed HoneyeaTer