A bit of this and that

Lens-Artists Challenge #278: Unique

A unique name to attract customers to your market stall

Every bubble is unique, ask any four year old

Together as a whole Pandanus fruit but unique in their own way

Every fingerprint is unique

As is every sunset

Pick a Word – November 2022

Lost in Translations Pick a Word

Paula’s words were hard not to try and find one photo for a couple of words. It’s more fun with a photo for each don’t you think? Following these photos there is a quiz, so pay attention.






OK Had time to take in each photo?

The question is – Which photo is the odd one out? A quiz with a twist 🙂

Pick a Word – July 2022

Lost in Translation’s Thursdays Special: Pick a Word – July 2022

Paula’s words to dig around and find an appropriate photo to match these words.






How did I go?

Square Trees #24 – big tree blue sea

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge July: Square Tree

Todays square tree is a Pandanus Tree
Pandanus tectorius is a small tree which can reach 5-6 metres in height comprising separate male and female trees. The leaves have short spines along the edges and on their midribs. The plants are supported at the base by prop roots which help to anchor the plant in sandy soil. The tree may flower throughout the year. Female plants produce large pineapple-like fruits comprised, when ripe, of yellow, red or orange segments containing the individual seeds.
Parts of the fruit of the Pandanus are edible and it is reported to form a major source of food in Micronesia. The ripe segments of the fruit and the seeds can be roasted and eaten.

Your song for today

This is a great place to sit and watch for whales

The roots certainly have a good hold on the ground and are spreading down the cliff edge.

You may remember my Monday Portrait last Monday of the little fellow sitting in the tree. He was a pandanus nut, one of the segments of the fruit of the Pandanus Tree

A lovely shady spot on a warm day


The Friendly Friday prompt: Fruit

All sorts of fruit – from the usual fruit to the native Australian fruits to the unusual fruit.
Everyone knows this one
Dragon Fruit190315_spiky_square_dragonfruit
The fruit of a Norfolk Island Pinebrusnswick heads norfolk is pine_fruit_named_10042011
The fruit of a Sandpaper Creek Figsandpaper creek fig fruit01_named_killen falls_dec 2014
The Cheese Tree Fruitfruit_vine_crop_named_home_june 2015
Wonderful purple fruit of a native grass Dianellapurple fruit_home_named_nov 2015
Pandanus have large heavy fruit so be careful resting under the shade of a Pandanus tree at the beach181004_blog challenge_texture_pandanas fruit_evans head
No need for a caption here either190309_spiky_square_pineapples
The distinctive blue fruit of a Quondong or Blue Fig180313_quandong fruit