My numbers up #8

Judy’s The Numbers Game #9: 130

Judy’s rules are –

“To play along, go to your photos file and type that number into the search bar. Then post a selection of the photos you find under that number and include a link to Judy’s Numbers Game blog of the day.”

Looking up in the Sagrada Familia. I like the coincidence that last week where there were a number of posts that included photos of the Sagrada.

Another way to my place from my daughters. If you could go straight ahead and to the left a bit, my place is over there.

A wonderful old place on the banks of The Clarence River

I always expect a flower or two will appear in the numbers. This Rose didn’t disappoint.

Along with flowers, there is a chance a bee might come along.

I am sure standing like that would be uncomfortable but the Noisy Friarbird seems content, well as content as a Friarbird can muster.

I wanted to include a B&W photo and this is the better one from the stack. Taken from a train in Europe, perhaps Swiss Alps in the background.

I am glad there was a Moon in this bunch to choose.

Now for the cute and nature part of the post.

Only one photo of a sleepy Koala for you

A photo from a while ago of Pretty Face Wallabies (real name Whiptail Wallabies) being chill with the chooks out foraging

I am so glad this little fellow appeared in the 130 numbers. A bit of creative beach fun. A Pandanus seed, the “eyes” are natural, with a red seaweed hair. We left him in a Paperbark tree on the walkway to the beach, hoping others were entertained as much as we were putting our creation together.

Walking Squares #7 – Walkway, beach and birds

Becky’s #WalkingSquares
Sunday Stills: #Paths and #Trails Take You to Happy Places

Today wasn’t a good walking day. I didn’t want to drive to walk somewhere and the gravel trucks have been trundling up and down all day. You wouldn’t believe the dust they throw up.

Therefore I want to take you on a bit of a walk along the track to the beach at Evans Head. Here’s your song so let’s go

Out of the car park down we go. On the top of the hind dune She-oaks and Banksias are growing

Sometimes the track goes up and over the next dune and a small stream

Once the vegetation starts to change you know you are getting close to the beach. The Pandanus are the dominant vegetation on thee front dunes and beach and they even grow on rocks.

And around the last bend, through some Pandanus and onto the sand

Sometimes the welcoming committee is large

and at other times, just a couple to greet you but someone will always be on the sand to greet you

PS I know lots of you have seen this little bloke. This is where he was put together with a Pandanus nut and some red kelp. I wonder how long he was sitting in the Paperbark tree before some one noticed. I hope he was treated kindly.

Re-living the Past #22 – going back to 2013

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Review (2)

There were happy puppy kites

Stingless Native Bee all 5mm of her zooming past a Hibiscus flower. This plant was a cutting from my Mum’s garden.

A Gold-tailed Spiny Ant having a drink in a water drop on the verandah. I call them Gold Bum Ants until I learnt their real name

Looking under a mushroom

First time I found some freaky looking Finger Fungus

Of course there were flowers

There seemed to be pink flowers then

The first appearance on my drift wood Stick Man walking along the beach. The start of fun creations with things on the beach by my bestie and me

Shells photos were a fun post

Insects on flowers or insects in general were the beginnings of macro photography

Butterflies and Honey Gem Grevillea flowers became a favourite

As did birds who enjoyed the flowers nectar like this Blue-faced Honeyeater

Birds at the bird bath made easy to take photos. Golden Whistlers and others always stopped in for a drink or a bath

Everyone loved the Long-necked Tortoise sunning on the almost tortoise shaped rock

Here is my Rooster. He was the one who helped start me on my addiction to photo challenges, thanks to Yvette from Priorhouse who was looking for some feather photos

Of course there was a few Red-necked Wallaby photos, taken from my kitchen window, especially the cute Joeys.

One my way home from work in town, I sometimes stopped when the sunset looked amazing just a few kilometres from my place

My first sunset photo I posted. Can you spot on the mountains where the sun was setting from the previous photo?

Some natural art

The Cosmic Photo Challenge: Art from nature

So many examples so I will restrict myself or at least try

Art at the beach

Art in the trees

Artistic feathers

Insect designs

Art in the sky – a dog in the clouds

A dog on the rocks

Rock patterns

Finger fungi looking abstract

Purple Fringe Lillies are quite amazing

It’s in the eyes

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – June alphabet letter I anywhere in the words or Eyes

Here is a selection of eyes to enjoy and a song to scroll to. All the names are in the tags if you are interested.