Re-Living the Past #30 – My First Green Photos

Sunday Stills Monthly Colour Challenge: Saving Daylight with #Green

Continuing the series looking back into the folders to find some gems from the past. This gallery of green is from 2014 to 2017

A VW Beetle and a fish eye lens is always amusing

Very old green goblets

Just a leaf on a verandah

A green beetle in scurry mode

Oh, I forgot to tell you that a beautiful harmless Green Tree Snake is next

To make up for that, here’s a Small Green-banded Blue Butterfly

Green Catbirds are striking birds

The first and only time I have seen such luminous green Pitcher Plants

Looking under Cunjevoi plants at a creek

A tiny green car in Dijon and selective colour

A fern I have on my place, Five Fingered Jack or Rough Maidenhair Fern, pops up everywhere. I thought was a native but they are found worldwide.

I love the way this moss cascades down the log

A Macaranga leaf in macro

Moss in paver joints

Old farm truck and dog in the street in Murwillumbah

Thank you for visiting

That way

CWWC: Which ways with the colour green

“Which way did he go?”

“He went that way, real fast!”

“Who me?”

“Don’t scare me like that”

“You guys crack me up”

Maybe they went down to Green River with Creedence Clearwater Revival

Re-living the Past #23 – My First Greenish Photos

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Greenish

This selection of photos range from 2014 to 2017. Perhaps you may have seen the before. Some are favourites I re-do for challenges and some you may have not seen before.

Yes there maybe a snake involved so perhaps I’ll make it into a slideshow so those who find nature not to there liking can skip past.

1 A Green-banded Line Blue Butterfly
2 Just a stack of bottles in a restaurant
3 There’s your Green Tree Snake
4 King Parrot feathers
5 A Green Tree Frog
6 Reflections on water. One of these started my interest in doing water reflection abstracts
7 A Dragonfly

Going round the bend

The Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: The Bend

Which bend are you going to take?

May as well have a singalong as we go. Everyone should know this one

It’s in the eyes

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge – June alphabet letter I anywhere in the words or Eyes

Here is a selection of eyes to enjoy and a song to scroll to. All the names are in the tags if you are interested.

Some are blue and some are green

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #149: Cool Colours – Blue and Green

Let’s start with some blues

and now for a few greens

The snake and the fence

OK. I reckon you would have guessed by the heading that there may be a photo of a snake in this post.

I do thank you for your bravery in opening the post those of you who do want to see but don’t want to see.

A bit of an idea of what you will encounter if you do travel further into my world.

  1. Green Tree Snakes have no fangs and no venom. They are very reluctant to bite but if provoked it will rise up, inflate its throat and body, and make a stink from its anal glands – so best not to get too close.
  2. Snake skin is not slimy. It is dry and is made up of keratin.
  3. They are thin and about 1 to 1.5 meters long.

The one you are about to encounter I found on a neighbours fence as I was driving home. As the Green Tree Snake was on a barbed wire fence it is good to check to make sure they are OK and not hooked up on the barbs.

“Excuse me, do you need a hand over there on that barbed wire fence?”

“Who? Me?”

“Nah mate, she’ll be right. I best be off.”

“OK then, maybe I’ll see over at my place. The coming cooler weather has made the mice think it’s time to set up house somewhere warm, where there’s snacks. My pantry would be a good place to hang out for a few days if you’re headed my way.”

You can see the size of this harmless little fellow compared to the gauge of the fencing wire which is 8 gauge. Sorry I don’t know what they call that size now-a-days. Thanks for getting to the end even if fast scrolling was involved.

A lot of S’s

The Lens-Artist Photo Challenge #136: Subjects Starting With the Letter – S

The Sun is rising so lets go with a lot of S’s to get through


Spanish Steps in Rome

Street light in Toowoomba Australia

A Singing Currawong

Sea Eagle keeping watch

Shell on the Sand

Silver Gulls enjoying the surf

Striated Pardalote

Scaly-breasted Lorikeet enjoying a Snack

A Spangled Drongo looking Spangly

A Scarlet Jezebel Butterfly also having a Snack

Scarlet Honeyeater – a jewel in my garden

Soft Shelled Snail

A Skink about to make a Snack of a Soft Shelled Snail


and of course the don’t look section

don’t bother going any further you lot

You were warned as per the mountains of comment I have had

Going to start now

This is a warning photo of what might be coming

Spiders Web

St Andrews Cross Spider

A natural insect control in my house, a Huntsman Spider

A harmless Green Tree Snake

See that wasn’t too bad was it. Here’s some flowers for recovery

A bit of green

The Ragtag Daily Prompt Thursday: Green
Water drops and leaves180614_blog challenge_light_water drops
A Green-banded Line Blue Butterfly and a leafsmall green-banded blue butterfly_named_binna burra_april 2015
A Begonia leaf1`71204_blog challenge_blackandwhite_texture_begonia leaf01_colour
A green insect and a leaf170711_blog challenge_bugs_beetle_red green

Reflections in water – no leaf

Moss on a tree – leaves in the background
moss_vine_waterhole_named_home_oct 2018

WARNING: An image that may scare shock or give some people nightmares


Look…..don’t go any further


Oh go on, you are braver that you think

Musical Interlude – not about leaves




A Green Tree Snake and a leafgreen tree snake_crop_named_home_dec 2014