My numbers up #1 (123)

Judy’s Numbers Game #2: 123

This seemed hard for me at first especially as yesterdays numbers 9909 didn’t exist in my media files. But todays numbers are OK as I forgot that I also use numbers when I name my files, which in most cases is the date. So todays 123 is fine and there are a few photos to pick from.

There you go Judy, I’ll get some in

More feathers

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Feathers

This is the second post for Cee’s challenge. I was chatting about the Purple Fringe Lily that grows on my place, and thought I have another flower growing on my place that looks similar. One grows on land, the other grows on water.

Do you think they have feathers as well?

Going on a treasure hunt

Lens-Artists Challenge #219: Treasure Hunt

Tina wants us to search for:-

  • A pet or pets (yours or someone else’s)
  • The moon or the sun (extra credit for both in one image)
  • Clouds (extra credit if you also include rain or snow)
  • A reflection
  • A child (extra credit if with other family members)
  • An umbrella (extra credit if you include a person using it)
  • A truck (extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)
  • Autumn foliage (extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)
  • Something fun you found on a walk

Teddie enjoying the morning sun

I love Our Moon

Clouds with rain in the distance – extra credit photo 🙂

One of my favourite reflection photos

A little bee riding her horse at the Glen Innes show in the dress-up parade – extra credit photo as she is with her Mum 🙂

Models walking through Rome and I have no idea what they were advertising – extra credit as they are using their umbrellas 🙂

In the fire truck on their way to a fire or emergency – extra credit as you can see the driver 🙂

I don’t really have any Autumn leaves as I don’t really have Autumn here. These leaves are Autumn leaves in Lyon

Something I found on a walk on my place after the fires. First time I have ever seen Purple Fringe Lillies here.

It was fun going through my folders on this treasure hunt. A great idea Tina

As requested

Cee’s FOTD
Bren’s Floral Friday #59

On Wednesday I posted a B&W photo for Mid-Week Monochrome of a Purple Fringe Lily. I had lots of comments so I thought I should show everyone what a Purple Fringe Lily looks like in colour as well.

Just two colours

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge April Colours: Yellow or Purple

The Purples

Steampunk Hat

Cape Waterlilies

Dianella Berries

Purple Fringe Lily

Purple Trumpet Flower

A wonderful purple sunset

The Yellows

Frangipanni flower

Cassia flowers with a bonus bee

Paper Daisies

Yellow Waterlily

Cannot have a yellow post without Bobbin the Eastern Yellow Robin

and a yellow sunset to say good night

Purple around my place #1

Life in Colour May: Purple

Jude has asked “What purples can you find in Nature?” I have a few native plants and flowers around my place that are purple. It is hard to capture the purple of the flowers in some of the flowers. Most of these flowers are between 10 and 18mm in diameter. Unfortunately I don’t know the names of some of these.

I am saving a lot of purples for later in the month so come back every now and then and see what else I can find.

Last on the Card December 2020

Last Photo for December 2020

How wonderful, it’s been twelve months of the Last on the Card photo challenge. Happy New Year and thank you everyone who have taken to my challenge. I am ready to do another year, how about you?

The rules are simple:
1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 31st December.
2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
5. Tag “The Last Photo”

Here’s mine

From my Canon PowerShot SX70HS

I actually made a mistake, sorry, the Red-browed Firetail Finch was the last photo for the thirtieth not the thirty-first. Here is the photo I should have posted

From my Canon PowerShot A1200

From my Samsung Galaxy S9