Just rollin, (with photos)

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to my Eyes

I included the video in case you want to add it to your play list.
Have loved the Rolling Stones for most of my life. The first song I heard on the radio when I was around ten was Little Red Rooster. Dad always kept chooks for eggs and Sunday roast.
This was one of my early first bred rooster. My daughter named him Flaming Prince.

Another rhythm & blues as only the Stones could do. Out of Time an original Jagger/Richards composition

A rollicking tune that just flows along – Tumbling Dice

Sometimes you’ll find me Sitting on a Fence preferably not barbed wire. Eastern Rosellas don’t care. Not afraid to try something new, the Stones played acoustic guitars and no drums.

The dynamic changed when amazing guitarist Mick Taylor joined the line up. A driving beat to get you All Down the Line

Another laid back song. Now when it is performed on stage the age of the woman at the bar gets older. The Spider and The Fly

Make a wish

This one is a bit obvious but of course She’s a Rainbow

Never be in the same paddock as Wild Horses. This Rolling Stones song is a slow beautiful ballad

This is my guitar warm up song as I can play it any way I want from a rock to a real country style. Ronnie Wood replaced Mick Taylor when he reckoned being a Rolling Stone would kill him.
Just send me Dead Flowers to my weddin’………..

Everyone knows I am a Child of the Moon. This is the B Side of Jumping Jack Flash 45rpm single
“Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes
Child of the moon
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile”

I know I mostly end with a song and this post is full of songs, a lot of my favourites. I couldn’t include another of my childhood memory songs that sent me along the rock and roll life. Alas I don’t have a photo for so I am ending with a favourite from 1964. Under the Boardwalk

Halt (who goes there)

John’s Cellpic Sunday
Thursdays Special Pick a Word April: Guarding

Here is the self appointed guard at my front gate keeping a vigilant eye on the comings and goings in the street. I think he must have other jobs or has a lot of days off, as he doesn’t turn up every day. Some Bearded Dragons lead a busy life

Never the less you have to go through the ritual.

Excuse me do you have official business here?
You know me. I share this space with you and see me whenever you turn up for work.

What do you mean, whenever I turn up. You don’t come up here every day either, do you?
I don’t have to to know what’s going on for everything. I can see who is driving on the road from down there.
This is all good and well. Do you have official business here?
Oh no, not again. I’m going home. Good afternoon, guardian of the gate

Are you sure you want to do that, sir?
Yes I am sure!
and your official business is?
I have been in town all morning, it’s a long drive home and I need to pee!
Drive on and welcome home sir

I’m glad someone is Taking Care of Business

Don’t know (just go)

CWWC: April 2024

This oft-cited but not-quite-accurate quote by the Cheshire Cat, is from the Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland. Supposedly said in the conversation between the disoriented Alice and the mysterious Cheshire Cat
My quotagraph

Pick a Word – April 2024

Thursdays Special: Pick a Word April 2024

Paula’s words – Sabulous, Brimming, Guarding, Berthing, Bight
Let’s go and see how I did






1 A leaf in river gravel
2 Orara River in flood
3 Barbed wire and sunset
4 Gondolas in Venice
5 Sydney from the air

Storm season (almost over)

Hammads Weekend Sky #126

Clouds of cotton white
tinged with black
what a sight
won’t be back
storms of might
begin to slack
downpours at night
start to lack
clouds of cotton white
won’t be back,
wet seasons end