Shades of Grafton #18 – In Need of Repair

Ludwig’s Monday Windows

I have found a few more window shades over the past week. I didn’t take any this weekend but found a few more. I think I might continue with themes like last weeks Canvas Shades.

This week I show you some of the ones that are in a sad and sorry state. I hope they will be repaired or at least given a coat of paint.

The rest of the house looks like it has been freshened up a bit except for the top of the shade. A quite tatty aluminum one, You can almost see the weather line and I hope the TV reception is good now they don’t need the coat hanger.

A three in a row with varying states of decay. I like the brackets

This photo and the following photo are from a once magnificent house that is in a bad state of repair. It is on the edge of the CBD and I expect that the owners will sell once someone wants the land to build a commercial property.
It is a do nothing to a house, let it fall apart with low cost renters who don’t care, then wait for a demolition order. A number of what the some people consider heritage houses in town, have been let go in order to have the land to build some modern crap.

I do like the bracket shape

Fabulous brackets on a never seen before wooden shingle shade. I guess this one may need an expert to repair.

A very pretty house. recently painted in what is called “Heritage Colours” – cream, green and maroon.
The brackets are quite fancy. You would think that seeing how tall the ladder was on the wall to paint that perhaps they noticed the shade needs a bit of attention too?

This Weeks Spam – 20 February

Fandango’s Spam Comment of the Week – Week 7 2023

Well my lovelies, I was in a spam drought during the week with only a few appearing in the Spam Folder, so imagine my surprise when I opened it up to see what cheer I could spread with you and there is eleven spam comments!!! Oh contain my expectant heart. What treasures will await us today.

Basically it did boil down to a bit of a disappointment with a lot coming from one web address and a cast of stars.

equsekodiv comment on “Going for a drive”
[url=]Ecolunaz[/url] Eqahko

axotaqi comment on “Let’s go to Bologna”
[url=]Gecusic[/url] Idehxsod

ivewkhoif also a comment on “Let’s go to Bologna”
[url=]Aqelalu[/url] Orutate

oyubefaekese comment on “Words of Wisdom – Y23 #2
[url=]Eruvomota[/url] Aiulojiec

– But the a saviour appeared, long lost from my spam comments, sherrieln11 from xxxsexyxx.hotblognetwork……came along with a comment on “Words of Wisdom #2” with the first p0rn comment in months. Behold

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Goodness me is Lindsay Lohan still a p0rn thing?? But they did try to entice me with a “wood room” but I have a shed full of wood thanks very much.

AmberlySrOi from thinks I need a date and get out more bless their little hearts with a comment on “Share Your Desktop” I am not Catholic but will st Р°ugstine be of any use to my love life?

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– Then the next lot all appeared on my “Going soft” post.

All who were aficionados of [url=]Unezep[/url] Ekodajo
or similar to the first lot of spam above.
I must give them marks for such creative names. Actually after I posted “Going soft”, I was suddenly though that my Spam Folder was going to be swamped with Viagra or Erectile Dysfunction products but instead I had a website that had links with Accident and Compensation Lawyers. Are they still called Ambulance chasers?

Well that’s our Spam fun for this week. Off to do the block and delete, clean out the folder for your next weeks entertainment I hope

Going through in Bologna

Fandango’s FOWC: Height
Debbie’s One Word Sunday: Through
John’s Cellpic Sunday

It’s not often a triple dipping comes along does it? I love the colonnades that are a feature of Bologna. This one isn’t as ornate as some of the others but is imposing never-the-less.