What’s on the beach

Debbie’s One Word Sunday: Pollution

One day, about a year ago, my bestie and I went to South Ballina Beach to have a pleasant late Autumn day in the warm North Coast sunshine. While we strolled along the beach we noticed a few bits of plastic so we thought we should pick it up. After a while we had gathered enough to have to find a place to put the rubbish we had picked up. Luckily along the beach I found a 20litre bucket so we had somewhere easy to put all we had found.
What we found was plastic. Drink bottles, some with foreign writing so we assumed they came from a freight ship or cruise ship out to sea, 4litre oil containers, shampoo bottles and my find of the day – a toilet seat!!!

Here is our find of plastic pollution that is destroying our oceans, or I should say has destroyed our oceans and marine environment.


So how about when you go to the beach or to a park beside a waterway, pick up a bit of rubbish to help in your small way to help our planet


Sea Turtles eating plastic bags that look like jelly fish, plastic bottles and straws that break down into micro plastics and are ingested by all manner of marine life that fill their stomachs and are unable to pass through, leaving less room for their natural foods, microfibres and microbeads that are used in manufacturing that will always be in our environment. Bio-degradable is a myth unless it is produced from natural products.


Ocean Plastic Pollution


The word prompt for Terri’s Sunday Stills: Fifth

The fifth of five
a son
nine months before
I went to
a party
with Dad
I came home
with Mum
Always the baby
the spoilt baby
two brothers have gone
two sisters remain
I am
the fifth of five





Sue’s Weekly Photo Challenge word prompt: Yellow

Let’s have an avalanche of yellow. So many yellows.
Some with a surprise inside
spider_yellow flower_named_oct2013
A native flower that is everywhere on my placeyellow star flower1_named
I had to have a Yellow Buterflybutterfly_yellow meadow_binna burra_named_mar 2014

Some Australian native plants have amazing yellow flowers
yellow_grevillia_bexhill catherdral_named_june 2014
Gazania flowers burst yellowgazania_yellow01_tucabia_named_oct 2014

Lovely yellow of a Zinnia
yellow flower_binna burra_named_nov 2014

Yellow-faced Honeyeater outside of my window
yellow faced honeyeater_named_home_aug 2016
A fly with a yellow facefly_yellow face_named_home_march 2017
The beauty of a yellow Rose170519_blog challenge_all one colour_yellow rose

The fabulous yellow of a Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo
yellow tailed black cockatoo_named_binna burra_july 2017
Zipping around the garden Yellow Dragonflies are jewelsdragonfly_yellow_named_home_oct 2017
and of course the wonderful Eastern Yellow Robinnorthern yellow robin_table_named_binna burra_march 2018