Not one (but two rectangles)

Lens-Artists Challenge #305: Rectangles

The concept of the prompt was different and I found it hard to come up with something appropriate, so I just went for two or more rectangles.

Of course rectangles I had to use recognisable rectangles from the favourites, windows and doors of course.
Two rectangular windows with many more rectangles within.

Or long and skinny windows with a few other rectangles photobombing on the wall keeping an eye on things

Many an old door have rectangle inserts

Rectangles within rectangles within rectangles and each with their own personality

Old rectangles and new rectangles

and huge rectangles from Bologna

I chose this photo as it is the only one that I could locate that fitted with Egídios concept

Water Reflections – Abstracts #125

Jez’s Water Water Everywhere #222
Lens-Artists Challenge #302: AI and Photography

The AI theme from the Lens Artists didn’t really appeal as I don’t enjoy getting an image created to requests, and seeing other posts, AI doesn’t do what they want.
In a way my WWE abstracts are AI creations, only I have full control of what I want. I don’t request for an image alteration, I decide what I would like to create. Most of my original photos are not in focus right from the click of the shutter.

Blending Blues

Mud Puddle

Drifting Green

Waves and Lines

Around the garden (finding flowers)

Lens-Artists Challenge #301: Floral

I decided to be floral at home. A lot of the flower photos taken over the past few weeks either have bees or birds on the flowers. So that is why I went on an adventure to discover what flowers are still here in Autumn. You may thank me for not including all of the flowers as the post would have been far too long.

I bought some Plants needing a home. They looked rather sad in the nursery. This Stock flower was the only flower, so far, from the punnet. It is very late in the season for Stocks to flower.

Am Allamanda vine trails over a shed

Last year I planted Marigolds and let the flowers stay on the plants. This year I have new garden bed of Marigold flowers.

The Gerberas have been lovely even if they are a little ragged but the Stingless Native Bees don’t mind

Other Gerberas are still putting on a show

The Bottlebrush flowers have been amazing this year. The trees are full of Honeyeaters as well of flowers

One of the early plantings, Cape Honeysuckle are still growing among a tangle of other plants. I was surprised to find some flowers

All of the Salvias are flowering. Only one variety shown of four

I love Dianthus and this pot of plants is seemingly never ending, always has flowers of many colours

While out I came across the dreaded weed Lantana, a real pest on my place. The flowers are pretty, pretty poisonous to horses and cattle especially the red variety. This is a representation as they aren’t like this, I used a function on my camera called Vivid

Same again for this variety of Lantana although this one isn’t poisonous to stock.

I have shown my garden favourite, Cats Whiskers many times. I wonder what they would look like in Vivid too

Nature (touched lightly)

Becky’s #SquaresRenew
Lens-Artists Challenge #300: Delicate

The temporary life of water drops,
gathered in the mornings dew
awaiting the sun
to set them free.

Suspended life
once feared
rendered inoperative

Slender branches
fade in time
as death takes hold

A lost bit of life
a treasure to find

Petals of paper
burst forth slowly
awakening life

Gather nectar
feed the body
feeds the soul

One day at the nest (starving)

Lens-Artists Challenge #299: Hopeful
Becky’s #SquaresRenew

Hey Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Yeah Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Oh Mum, pleeeese we’re starving….we’re going to die……I love you so much
Stop it! We’re hungry

C’mon everyone help out…….Mum Mum Mum is it dinner time Mum Mum Mum

Mum Mum me first.
No me.
Over here
I’m the hungriest.
No you’re not I am

See, I told you it would work.

Now, on the count of three let’s go again…1…2…3…Mum Mum Mum

I told him to be back with the next load quickly, I’m getting a headache.

Helplessly Hoping

Just rollin, (with photos)

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to my Eyes

I included the video in case you want to add it to your play list.
Have loved the Rolling Stones for most of my life. The first song I heard on the radio when I was around ten was Little Red Rooster. Dad always kept chooks for eggs and Sunday roast.
This was one of my early first bred rooster. My daughter named him Flaming Prince.

Another rhythm & blues as only the Stones could do. Out of Time an original Jagger/Richards composition

A rollicking tune that just flows along – Tumbling Dice

Sometimes you’ll find me Sitting on a Fence preferably not barbed wire. Eastern Rosellas don’t care. Not afraid to try something new, the Stones played acoustic guitars and no drums.

The dynamic changed when amazing guitarist Mick Taylor joined the line up. A driving beat to get you All Down the Line

Another laid back song. Now when it is performed on stage the age of the woman at the bar gets older. The Spider and The Fly

Make a wish

This one is a bit obvious but of course She’s a Rainbow

Never be in the same paddock as Wild Horses. This Rolling Stones song is a slow beautiful ballad

This is my guitar warm up song as I can play it any way I want from a rock to a real country style. Ronnie Wood replaced Mick Taylor when he reckoned being a Rolling Stone would kill him.
Just send me Dead Flowers to my weddin’………..

Everyone knows I am a Child of the Moon. This is the B Side of Jumping Jack Flash 45rpm single
“Child of the moon, rub your rainy eyes
Child of the moon
Give me a wide-awake crescent-shaped smile”

I know I mostly end with a song and this post is full of songs, a lot of my favourites. I couldn’t include another of my childhood memory songs that sent me along the rock and roll life. Alas I don’t have a photo for so I am ending with a favourite from 1964. Under the Boardwalk

A photo, an abstract (an abstract, a photo)

Lens-Artists Challenge #296: Abstract

Hi there,
You may know me from other challenges such as Jez’s Water, Water Everywhere and my water reflection creations 😁

My take on this challenge is, so what you will see is real or a representation of reality, as this old Wordless Wednesday. A small butterfly on a table, the background is green shade cloth.

My idea of abstracts may differ from others. I either take an abstract photo or create an abstract from my photos. Every now and then I’ll find a photo that’s not quite right as it is, so I’ll have a play and see what happens.

Other times, there may be a photo challenge and I’ll try something new

Here is a comparison, a photo of a white feather I saw floating in the air. Is a floating feather abstract enough by itself?
Or is creating something different from the original the abstract?

A bubble floating over a colourful piece of playground equipment. Abstract photo?
The original bubble was indistinct so a bit of enhancement on the left and some playing around making the photo more of an abstract.

Another abstract method is Intentional Camera Movement ICM
In this case, a round table in a garden

You may as well have a blurry butterfly too

Here is some abstract music from Brian Eno and Portsmouth Sinfonia, an group of people who don’t know how to play the instrument but do have musical training. Eno joined and was given a Clarinet

My world (of rocks)

Lens-Artists Challenge #295: Rock Your World

A post theme where I had a gazillion thoughts of what has rocked my world to share, the mountains I live in, fountains to share, statues and works of art, right down to the cobblestones in Edinburgh. Saw so many posts from those I follow that were of outstanding beauty and fabulous creativity, more ideas blossomed were to be stolen.

One of the things I wanted to share is something I found on my place that was rather exciting, more of that later *builds suspense but then I thought why not do others found here and there.
One of the bloggers, I won’t mention who, I don’t want to out a fellow rock nerd, talked about her rock nerdiness, I had to agree. Most of the following rocks have been found on my place or in one case up the road. I tried to put them in chronological order. What do you think? Get it right?

So without any further chatting. Let’s begin with a yellow and black shiny rock

These were an exciting find. Isn’t that blue just lovely. I have a good sized collection as they are so easy to find and are small mostly, easy to carry in a pocket.
I was working for a mining company who were looking at the viability of re-opening the Cangi copper mine. I was a gopher for the Geologist. One day I took one of my big prized blue rocks and asked him could he tell me what it was.
If I knew he was going to smash it with a hammer to find out I wouldn’t have asked. Now I can’t remember, as what I thought he said, doesn’t seem right.

Either it’s petrified whale or shark tooth or that’s how the rock formed and this tip broke off. I go for the former as the fantasy is more fun.

These are my exciting find. A indigenous hand axe and sharpening stone. They weren’t found together, so someone maybe had a hole in their dilly bag and I bet they would have been really upset at losing them. The axe is sharp enough to cut and fits in my hand comfortably. The underside of the sharpening stone is round and smooth.
Maybe they could also be used as flints to start a fire.

When the house dam was being constructed one of the layers that was dug out was mud rock. Mud rock is solid but soft. When it gets wet, it turns into a lovely fine white sticky clay. It was also in layers so in a few million more years, it would be shale probably.
I had to lift up layers and open the splits. In one of these I found this rounded shape.

When I saw this pink shape I thought I had found something. Would you have thought so as well?

A bit of excitement when I carefully cracked it open. A shell of some sort, maybe a crab like creature, maybe I broke the Trilobites tail? Any fossil freaks as well as a rock nerd 😁 who can help out?

Does a close up help?

Not on my place but found up the road on a ridge. This ridge is full of Petrified Wood. A neighbour told me when he found it and when we took the kids, it was rock nerd heaven. We had to bring a few home. This is the biggest.

The property was having an big truck access built to the road. I managed to see the blokes surveying to find out what they knew and where the track was going. I know of some historical artifacts along that ridge and was making sure they weren’t going anywhere near them.

The first few rocks are who knows how old
The hand axe could be anytime since humans walked through my place in the last sixty million years but are more likely within the last three hundred
Fossils in a layer about three to four metres under ground, somewhere in the tens of thousands?
Petrified Wood 140 to 180 million years?

Let’s get our Rocks Off

Just let it slide (changes)

Lens-Artists Challenge #294: Before and After

A bit of photo editing using Corel PaintShop Pro Ultimate 2023.
I went into one of my must sort and file away folders and select some photos from the fifteen photos at random, all from my garden in November 2022

Original on the left, photo edit on the right. Slide away

An attempt to make a not very good photo of Crinum flowers into something. Darken the background to make the white and dead flowers prominent and add a dash of white

Emphasise the death of the red Hippeastrums. Darken background increase saturation, remove the garden hose

A bit of work on this Agapanthus bud. First, get rid of it’s mate, a square crop works well, darken the background, fill focus on the buds added highlights

These buds needed a bit of a lift too. Increased shadows, decreased overall lightness, increased mid-tones. The background was still too light and distracting so an elliptical vignette applied

A tiny Blue-banded Bee asleep under a red Salvia flower was a bit lost in the overall image.
Increased the overall lightness and saturation a little, then a close crop to square.
Don’t be limited by photo dimensions, quite often flowers and macro photos work well in the square format.

Beckys Square Photo Challenge is starting again next month so have some practise. I often set my camera to 1:1 format so no cropping is needed. I have been adding an appropriate song for Beckys challenge, can’t Let It Slide next month. Hope you enjoyed your slide through my photo edits Max Merritt & The Meteors were an Aotearoa/New Zealand group.

People (you’ll find them everywhere)

Lens-Artists Challenge #292: People Here, There and Everywhere

Not well know for people portraits, I am not one to take people photos. My people photos have feathers, fur or scales. But that aside, I have some people photos that have been posted in the past, so being a lazy grey, gloomy drizzling rain day, I am getting some oldies out.

Tina showed us some great colour to monochrome conversions. I was surprised to find a monochrome person photo.

Waiting for her coffee

Discussing gardening at the local market

Having fun with art

Two idiots having fun with art

Things seen at the Glen Innes Show #1 – Sometimes the little can lead the big

Things seen at the Glen Innes Show #2 – At other times the little lead the big

There is always people at the railway station. Some wait, others are in a hurry for their train.

While others are content to take their time in Bologna

Lucky to be in Seoul for the Buddha Festival. The Lotus dancers rehearsing.
A slide show is best to show the Lotus flower opening

One person can show scale in Bologna

A lot of people also show scale at the Spanish Steps

I picked the photos and put them in the post and funnily enough they are in a Here, There and Everywhere order.