My numbers up #20

Judy’s Numbers Game #21
RDP Monday: Offbeat
Cee’s FOTD

Judy’s numbers for this week – 142. I’ll check for photos in my media files with a 142, if nothing appears I’ll switch to 412 which gave up a couple and then 214 to gather some more.

I was going to do some sort of order but I like the randomness of the photos.

Through a window (reflection abstracts)

Ludwigs Monday Window

Don’t worry it’s safe, I didn’t do much other than clean up the photos. They aren’t like my water abstracts, these photos are life as I saw it.

Looking across the street from my hotel room in Sydney at a couple playing pool. The reflections in the glass give it a surreal feeling as does the background.

Stopped, waiting for a car to park I liked the number of things going on in the window, reflections of reflections. I was the passenger so I could take my time

If that didn’t do your head in then this one will. I was seated at the window of a cafe and thought I’d take a photo of the windows on the building across the street. There was a lot of reflection, so I tried to reduce the glare. It’s then when the reflection of the wall, looking through the window at the clocks in the shop next to the cafe, appeared from a dark background.

One day at the nest (starving)

Lens-Artists Challenge #299: Hopeful
Becky’s #SquaresRenew

Hey Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Yeah Mum, is it dinner time yet?

Oh Mum, pleeeese we’re starving….we’re going to die……I love you so much
Stop it! We’re hungry

C’mon everyone help out…….Mum Mum Mum is it dinner time Mum Mum Mum

Mum Mum me first.
No me.
Over here
I’m the hungriest.
No you’re not I am

See, I told you it would work.

Now, on the count of three let’s go again…1…2…3…Mum Mum Mum

I told him to be back with the next load quickly, I’m getting a headache.

Helplessly Hoping