Walking Squares #11 – Trees, Insects and Flowers

Becky’s #WalkingSquares

I didn’t venture far from the house this morning. I tried to get through the thick bush to see what is happening in the gully near the house, hoping to find some Grass Trees. It was slow going but I did find a few things. A lot of logs in the ground from fallen burnt trees which made getting through quite difficult so I headed for the clearing in the front paddock.

As I was walking slow here’s the walking slow song for today

Some of the trees have interesting textures and colours. The burnt bark on a Stringybark tree with perhaps a lichen or some sort of fungal growth

A Spotted Gum with so many colours

A very small flower, about 5mm in diameter. So hard to get a good photo as the slightest breeze moved it

Among the fallen logs a Lomandra flower had gone to seed

In the way home a Damselfly came to see what I was doing

A while ago when I was mowing out the front, there was a patch of long stalks with yellow flower buds. I didn’t mow it just in case it was something lovely and if it was a weed, easy to pull out. Well it has turned out that the flowers are Golden Everlasting Paper Daisies. Luckily a Stingless Native Bee dropped in as well. Another new flower for the first time on my place. I shall be collecting the flowers seeds for sure

13 thoughts on “Walking Squares #11 – Trees, Insects and Flowers

    1. They are so lovely. I am glad I took the chance and left them. It is just weird where they are growing. Almost on the edge of the road in the open 🙂


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