A drive (yesterdays discoveries)

CMMC March: Close-up or Macro

I found some old cars parked in the front of a property

Peeling bark on a branch

Fungi finding sunlight

A Common Crow Butterfly was flitting about

The Dragonfly was lovely enough to pose for a while

Sometimes out taking photos, it lovely to find good photos when I get home. Reminded me of Pavlos Dog’s song Gold Nuggets I’ll bring you home gold nuggets in the Spring

Back (on a stick)

CMMC February: Close-up or Macro

A while ago I posted a photo of a Red Skimmer Dragonfly on a stick for One Word Sunday. Yesterday it was back but this time it hung around for a while as it was a bit windy. Dragonflies face into the wind when it’s quite blowy and the stick moved a fair way every now and then. All of the photos were taken from the comfort of the verandah. The dragonfly was about 2-3 metres away.

Hanging on tight

Don’t think I’ll ever get another chance to get this close.

A dragonfly, just Blowin’ in the Wind

There’s nothing left

Lens-Artists Challenge #275: Filling the Frame

Filling the frame can be associated with macro photos or sometimes it
can just be a lot of something. I did a quick pick from my folders of some
new images for this post. I love macro photography, look at my Macro
Monday posts, so I have a few here as well.

Let’s get underway, I know it sounds like one of my huge posts, but only a
few this time. Starting with a Hoya flower or is it flowers. So hard to get the
ball of flowers. I have found a good place for the hanging basket on my
verandah as the plant has been flowering non-stop for ages

A flower may have added interest like these tiny Stingless Native Bees and
their pollen covered bodies and full pollen sacs on their legs

Not all has to be macro to fill the frame. This Bulldozer engine has a lot
going on.

Or go back to the past and see how a wagon wheel that has gaps and
openings fills the frame

Back to intense macro to fill the frame with the green of a backlit fern

I couldn’t leave without a bird to fill the frame. A female King Parrot was
quite curious

You can always rely on the Moon to fill a frame.

Closely weathered

Marsha’s WQ #40: Charmingly Weathered and Rustic
CMMC October: Close Up or Macro

Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.


a walk around the garden

The shed wall is showing signs of age. The boards are probably eighty years old

An old pump found somewhere and is now in my garden

There is always an elephant some where around the place

A Rooster with a megaphone! Many peoples nightmare

Buddha sits serenely in the garden

Better it is to live one day seeing the rise and fall of things than to live a hundred years without ever seeing the rise and fall of things.


A close look at some flowers

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge September: Close Up or Macro

These fruits of a Dianella used to be flowers and were purple before aging

Aloe buds

A wonderful pink Grevillea. Not sure of the name, maybe Pink Lady

Looking deep into a Bottlebrush flower

Also for Cee’s FOTD

Flowers around here

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge February: Close Up or Macro

How I came about these selections. I download all my photos into a misc folder by date order. This morning I randomly picked a sub-folder date 30August 2020 (yes I am that behind in sorting photos) which luckily had the following photos from around my place.

The fruit from an Ink Plant, an introduced exotic plant from tropical America, and yes they did make ink from this plant

An Erect Guinea flower, 12 to24mm across, grows well on my place

A Yamba Sunshine Grevillea flower in my garden

So many flowers on the Lomandra Multiflora gives a tiny Stingless Native Bee lots of choices

Called an Australian Bluebell or Wahlenbergia sp, I find these little flowers all over my property

I think this is a Hovea of some species

Now and before

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge: Close Up or Macro

I found a small spider having breakfast this morning

I’ve sorting photos I am still in the mid 2020’s. Can only do a few days at a time. Some of the date folders, (all my photos when I download go in to a misc folder), have a few photos and some days of discovery have over one hundred photos.

Australian Green Tree Frogs are the happiest looking frogs. This photo is from 28 Sept 2020