My numbers up #22

Judy’s Numbers Game

Todays number is 144. What photos will I find? As usual Judy’s number doesn’t yield many photos from my media folder but lets see and if nothing appears I’ll switch the numbers around to 414. Fingers crossed

I found an initial 144 lot, and a few 414’s. There’s a couple of photos from Becky’s Square format photo challenges. The latest, #SquaresRenew will be over on Friday 31st.

A Double Delight Rose I think

This is a phone photo at a friends place

A lovely patch of light on moss

Heading to the same friends place

Another from Becky’s Squares

Looking across Rocky Creek Dam, another phone photo

There was even a sunset sequence

Now for a couple of everyones favourites

Off my rocker

RDP Friday: Rocker

One of the most unusual rockers I have ever seen. It looks like a Dad shed job, just sticking bits together. There’s normal one almost in the photo too.

“I know, I’m sorry, you’re not really a rocker. You’ll just have to contend with being cute.”

For those who remember the rocker look? Here’s a band of rockers really rockin’ – The Jim Jones Revue – “Where Da Money Go?”

Know your animals

John’s Cellpic Sunday

When growing up, one of the earliest things learnt was the names of animals and where they lived. Quite often there were all manner of puzzles and toys to learn from.

I am not sure what farm these are on but I am glad it’s not next door…….except for the Elephant. I’d offer to babysit the Elephant if needed. There was a bit of a mix up somewhere in the production line.

Getting in close around my office

Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge February: Close-up or Macro

It’s a Wombat. My favourite Australian animal.

My Elephant clock. Timing is everything

An old Singer Sewing Machine cabinet drawer knob

A desk fan a bit changed

The volume knob from the computer speakers

Square Trees #17 – wooden shoes

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge July: Square Tree

I was reminded of shoe lasts that my bestie owns by Becky and her post about Mr B’s Tree

Your tree song for today

These old wooden shoe shapes were used by shoemakers to mould and shape shoes. There are two sizes. The smaller ones could be childs shoes or perhaps a small woman. The other larger one has a name on the side of the person the shoes were being made for so the shoemaker didn’t have to measure each time.

I also found some small wooden shoes that my girls grandmother bought back for them on her overseas trips years ago plus a pair of little clogs from a tourist place, The Clog Barn, in Coffs Harbour.