My numbers up #17

Judy’s Numbers Game #18

This weeks numbers to search among my media files is 139. I’ll try 319

319 turned up a number of photos. This first three are taken with my Canon Tlb SLR film camera a bazillion years ago. I just scanned and left them as is. I was quite excited to get a dragonfly flying.

Was driving with a mate on a few days away when I saw a Wedged-tailed Eagle sitting in a paddock. By the time I was ready to take a photo, the Wedgie took giving me an even better photo as it carried a rabbit away..

A photo of a backyard firepit. I have no idea what was in there, just wood I thought. Don’t look too long, especially those with Pareidolia. I’ve been lost in there a few times seeing all sorts.

A puddle selfie

#SpikySquares Bush saws. A hard way to fell a tree

#SpikySquares in someones garden

There must have been an ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) challenge. A tree at a guess

A Magpie Lark scurrying across the grass, more of the ICM challenge

A little truck in Paris

The corner of my sun room

That way

CWWC: Which ways with the colour green

“Which way did he go?”

“He went that way, real fast!”

“Who me?”

“Don’t scare me like that”

“You guys crack me up”

Maybe they went down to Green River with Creedence Clearwater Revival

The Peewee and the tree

Franks C.P. #6: In-Camera Abstraction

I have enjoyed attempting some ICM (Intentional Camera Movement) which has been more lighting focused in the past.

Maybe this photo could be titled “Seagulls at the Waterfront” taken from a high rise overlooking Sydney Harbour

These are more like my usual nature photos with a twist, hence the title of this post. The Magpie Lark is also called a Peewee which suited my titling better than Magpie Lark and the Tree lol

Do you have any ICM to show Frank?

A table in a country garden

The Ragtag Daily Prompt Saturday: Blur

Have a bit of a bop along while browsing around the blogs and posts

For those who are aware of my latest photo fun of using various effects and manipulating the images. WELL this photo is as is. Just a bit of Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)

Last on the Card – November 2022

Last Photo for November 2022

Thank you to everyone who contributes their good and not so good photos. Like a lot of people I forget and am surprised at what was the last photo on the four devices I use to take photos.

    So let’s see what you have for November 2022

    The rules are simple:
    1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 30th November.
    2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
    3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
    4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
    5. Tag “The Last Photo”

    Here’s mine

    From my Samsung Galaxy S9

    From my Canon PowerShot A1200

    From my Canon PowerShot SX70HS

    From my Canon EOS 1300D

    This is June 2022

    A wonderful start to Winter in my part of the world. The rain has stopped for the moment. The days are in the low 20’sC with cold night into single figures necessitating lighting the fire giving a warm glow to the loungeroom.

    I have managed to get out for a few little excursions as well as take photos at home. A lot of time has been spent cutting and splitting firewood with a few delays as I have me camera with me just in case something happens – or has been the case a few times not have it.

    I hope my June song to scroll with works for you. Please enjoy

    I did make it out for a quite pastel sunrise. Something to begin with for having a look at what I found in June. I loved the lines across the sky.

    Someone else was enjoying the early morning as well aboard their yacht

    The sparse vegetation on the point at Wooli really does take the brunt of wind and water

    On the other side of the point, the river winds its way to the sea. A Striated Heron took a stroll while the tide was out looking for lunch.

    In the morning at Iluka, a fluffed up Pied Butcherbird warmed up among the Banksia trees

    There was a look at the works the Iluka Landcare team had been doing planting Red Gums to increase the Koala habitat. While we were there looking around I spied a Pacific Baza. Later on her mate appeared and landed on a branch above her.

    In the late afternoon a White-cheeked Honeyeater sitting atop a Banksia sang to the setting sun

    A Silver Gull basking in the afternoon sun on a wharf post.

    An Australian Pelican kept a wary eye on me while resting on the old wharf post

    A nearby Darter was stretching probably contemplating heading off if I came any closer

    There are all manner of ways to secure your craft at the wharf. I was attracted to the rust.

    Overhead an Osprey patrolled the beach looking for breakfast

    Back in South Grafton the copious amount of Little Corellas wheeled about before landing on their roost or in the paddock to scour the ground for seeds and grubs. Little Corellas are migrants who arrived on the coast after a very prolonged drought over the ranges. They liked it so much they never left, built up numbers and can now be found all along the coast.

    The Little Corellas were flying over this part time wetland. The Black Swans had a nest among the reeds in early June. The Pacific Black Ducks were always around looking for a meal as well as other water birds. Towards the end of June the paddock dried out and the farmer let a few cattle in to graze. Unfortunately all the reeds you can see were eaten down to almost ground level. I fear that the Black Swans nest was disturbed, perhaps even trampled by the cattle as I never saw any Cygnets.

    One surprise when I went to a small village, Diggers Camp, was this Pheasant Coucal hunting for insects. He didn’t even care about me walking about.

    This little Superb Fairy Wren female, called a Jenny wren, blended well with the grass at Iluka as she foraged for food.

    While this Jenny wren kept an eye on me at my place as I walked through the bush.

    She was making sure I didn’t get too close to her babies

    A Red-browed Firetail Finch took in the afternoon sun

    A Grey Butcherbird stayed in the shadows while looking about for food.

    Standing on your head to get some nectar an Eastern Spinebill enjoys a Bottlebrush in my garden.

    Walking down my street I saw a Jackie Winter was just sitting on the wire fence

    On the way back, a Restless Flycatcher was intently watching something while sitting on the wire fence.

    I often have photos of Satin Bowerbirds but rarely have a male and a female in the same photo. They were hanging around the tree near the verandah. This photo is through my office door while sitting at my desk. I love lazy photography.

    I had been putting out some bird seed on the verandah to see who was around. The Male Satin Bowerbird and a Blue-faced Honeyeater came for an inspection.

    A young Blue-faced Honeyeater and a King Parrot looked hopeful.

    A juvenile King Parrot just getting his adult feathers hopped about the verandah.

    The Firesprite Grevillea is having a fantastic flowering. A number of the smaller honeyeaters are able to sit on the flowers. This Eastern Spinebill was always chasing the Brown Honeyeaters away from “his” flowers.

    All of the Grevilleas had a good flowering in June. This one was a rescue plant that has done well.

    The Coconut Ice Grevillea also having a great season.

    In the Iluka Rainforest some of the old fallen trees have some wonderful wood fungi

    The wood fungi at my place has been bright orange

    OK Now for all the people who don’t like spiders get that scrolling finger ready to zoom past this beautiful Huntsman Spider I disturbed when I was cleaning up around a shed.

    Here is your second warning… know who you are.

    Ready, steady……scroll

    Now for a bit of arty farty. Looking deep into a stump and a cascade of moss with a rim of lichen.

    A stick on the beach

    She Oak needles with a blue sea and sky – Minimalism

    Sunset through the trees with some ICM (Intentional Camera Movement)

    Looking out of my kitchen window at the Red-necked Wallabies grazing in the garden

    I love a foggy morning. Looking down the hill near my shed.

    Well it looks like the sun is setting so it must be time to get going. The sunset at Iluka was a treat.

    The Super Moon was supposed to be a wonderful sight. This is the best I could do. Goodnight and see you next Changing Seasons for a wrap-up of what I found.

    Of course I would love to know what your favourite photo is.

    The Changing Seasons

    The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently — though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

    For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

    But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you.

    There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

    Tags and ping-backs

    Tag your photos with #MonthlyPhotoChallenge and #TheChangingSeasons so that others can find them

    Create a ping-back to Ju-Lyn’s latest post or my post, so that we can update it with links to all of yours.

    On the angle

    Debbie’s One Word Sunday: Diagonal

    Couldn’t decide on one so here’s a few diagonals


    Intentional Camera Movement in the garden

    A Pelican

    Some clouds

    A female Golden Whistler on a diagonal branch. There one minute and gone the next

    Some light from somewhere

    The Lens-Artists Challenge #166: Artificial Light

    I wondered if I would include a song with this post.

    Sometimes words come into my head, sometimes they are mine and they will find their way onto the post. Other times someone elses words just drift in and need to drop into the post. This is one such song. I love Robin Gibbs voice and the brothers harmonies are wonderful. Have a listen as you scroll.

    “Alons, viens encore, cherie.
    J’attendrai patiemment sous la lampe dans la vieille avenue.”

    Moving the camera for Intentional Camera Movement images

    Debbie’s Trying Something New – ICM

    I went to my archives for this photo challenge and found some interesting shots and some that are, well, best described as what were you thinking!
    Of course the folder is called Arty Ones.
    This was a lot of fun that I started doing a while ago and I keep doing ICM. I find the night time shots can be interesting as there isn’t any references to say this is a shot of….. I have told of the subject on each image for those who need details.

    Here is a selection of my Intentional Camera Movement images.

    A tree with diagonal movement. This one is from 201520200319_blog_challenge_icm_diagonal
    Horizontal movement – you may recognise my besties old bird bath. Taken in 201620200319_blog_challenge_icm_horizontal_green
    Taken from a high rise in Sydney in 2010. Cars on a freeway from memory20200319_blog_challenge_icm_lights_neon_lines
    another from a Sydney high rise of neon lights in 201820200319_blog_challenge_icm_lights_neon
    A moving view of Cockle Bay again from a Sydney high rise in 2010  The lights look like birds20200319_blog_challenge_icm_lights_neon_birds
    I did a series of a Magpie Lark or commonly called a Pee Wee on the lawn in 201220200319_blog_challenge_icm_pee wee