The colour (the scent)

John’s Cellpic Sunday

The Frangipannis are a bit slow to flower this year. The trees are flowering in dribs and drabs. I was given a tree from the neighbour across the road last year. This is the full year of being in the ground. It had to survive a long dry spell with watering when I could.

It is flowering, but one section but maybe more later. I like this flower I think is called Fruit Salad

I had the effects open and it was on one called Cubism. I couldn’t help adding 19% of the effect to the original photo

It’s time (to look back)

Lens-Artists Challenge #281: Favourite Images of 2023

This has posed a few challenges and being a challenge I stepped up to the challenge. Unfortunately for you, I couldn’t stop, but do take heart, I have deleted a lot to cut it down to this selection of my favourites.

One of the best sunrises came at the end of the year so it felt funny starting at the end to begin with a sunrise.

I do enjoy a bit of life that is around my place at times. Teddy Bear Bees not only have a cute name but are the cutest bee here. They are gentle bees but the females can sting.

It is not often I catch a Blue-banded Bee napping

Monday Portrait was always peeking around the corner and you never knew who was going to turn

A brown calf with large ears peeking out from behind it's mother who is a light brown

I did ahve a bit of fun at times. At the Jacaranda Festivals market I saw this stall. A few days beforehand my daughters dog Pancake gave birth to a litter. This made me smile as I sent her the photo.

I had to include a door from Thursdays Doors but which one, go random.

I had a bit of photo fun for Wordless Wednesdays using my computer photo software to process some photos that either were not very sharp of looked rather dull.

An out of focus Butterfly transformed

My shoes in at the front door in the afternoon with shadows

This light in a Memorial Park on the Clarence River is the untouched photo. The ripples on the water made a good background.

Silent Sunday was either grand in Milan or

small in the garden

Of course there has been hundreds of bird photos. Sometimes they were looking in the window to see what I was doing like this Eastern Whipbird

Or like Tiny, the King Parrot, always clowning around

Somewhere cute was happening as the Rose Robins arrived on their migration stop over

Or just colourful Rainbow Bee Eaters hanging around up the road a ways on wire fences

There are always flowers. I have been taking flower photos for as long as I have had a camera. Always fascinating colours and shapes. I had to include Jacaranda flowers as Grafton has a floral festival and there is lots of purple everywhere

Fabulously beautiful in every way are Billbergia flowers

This Dahlia from the show drew the most ahhhs

As did the Eucalypt nuts

A purple Salvia flower that also was a crowd favourite

Lots of cars, bikes, rucks and tractors

Can’t forget the Monday Window quest to find window shades

and also to find impressive windows from different angles. The Sydney Opera House from a angle that many people hadn’t seen before

There was the quirky like the Boonah Town Steampunk Clock

Or a bit quirky in Graftons Crown Hotel foyer

Posting a bit about art and lots of music. This Flautist in Seoul South Korea wraps the music side nicely

Everyones favourite sculpture from Sculptures by the Sea Exhibition in Sydney

The first Pull up a Seat for the year where lots of people wanted to sit

Sometimes I went spacey

and did so many abstracts for Jez’s Water Water Everywhere it was hard to pick so I did a point and shoot. This one was popular. Perhaps it wasn’t as out there as others.

There was always somewhere to go for Cee’s Which Way Challenge

OK, I can’t leave without a bit more cute. Everyone likes seeing the Brush-tailed Possums that are so naughty at my place. Don’t be fooled by that innocent look.

Little Teddie having a nap after a big play session. Another for the awww cute

I introduced you to Keith, the Gecko

Ok, near the end with a sunset that I rarely see from my place. These coloured clouds were over the trees

Being a child of the moon, there are photos of Our Moon. Sometimes small with an aura as it shines through a hole in the clouds

Perhaps just a close up when out soaking up the moon beams.

I hope you had the time of your life