This is April 2022

April was another wet month but not as wet as March. The ground around the house is still soggy thanks to rain last night. Thankfully a few days of little or no rain made it possible to mow the jungle around the house but it is still too wet to get the chainsaw out to cut firewood for Winter.

I have lots of logs to choose from nearby that have been the fallen trees after the fire. They are nicely seasoned now and will make good burning timber once I can get to them.

Here is your April music to scroll through the photos. I think you will enjoy this one. I haven’t heard it before so a new one for me too.

Here’s an appropriate car so jump in and let’s get going.

Tiny wants me to get off the computer and hand out some seeds for his breakfast.

Another photo from my office. This time through the door of a Satin Bowerbird.

Lots of birds have been making Durranbah a place to rest, eat and have a bit of a song. Golden Whistlers songs fill the bush. This is a female Golden Whistler

The little Brown Honeyeaters like to sip from Pentas flowers

Especially in the early morning

It was good to see a group of Grey-crowned Babblers in my garden

They like to rip apart the Stringybark trees looking for insects or walk about on the ground flicking over leaves and bits of bark.

Another visitor is a number of

Sometimes they look quite serious

A little Silvereye was digging around in some leaves that were bound with web. I kept watching and it found lunch

Always have to include my favourite in the garden, an Eastern Yellow Robin

I heard that the Magpie Geese had arrived at a wetland near Casino, about 100kms north of my place. There is a wetland near Grafton where they spend their Winter so I went to see if they had arrived. I found an Australian Raven silhouetted in a tree on a grey day.

There were a flock of Plumed Whistling Ducks

and a large group of Magpie Geese

They kept on flying in. It looks lie a sequential shot but it is actually three Magpie Geese

In another piece of still inundated farmland in South Grafton, a Pacific Heron is getting lots to eat. I drive past this place when I go to town. This morning I went in early and was able to get a few photos of the birds who I have seen there in the past few times heading into town.

I was so pleased to see a pair of Comb-crested Jacanas foraging among the reeds

There were a number of Black Swans foraging as well

Soon she was joined by her mate

OK back at home there have been a few butterflies but not as many as I would have tough. Probably because of the rain. I was happy to see a Wanderer

The strange looking Leafwing Butterfly was heading past and stopped for a photo

There were a few Black Jezebels in the garden. This one stayed for a while on the Bottlebrush flowers.

This is what the Black Jezebels look like with their wings folded.

This is the inside view. They are like this because when they fly it is similar to a strobe effect to confuse predators.

One of my favourite bees, a Teddy Bear Bee zooms in on a Pentas flower

While my other favourite, a Blue-banded Bee enjoys a Salvia flower

Over at the dam the frogs aren’t as vocal but the dragonflies are in abundance. A Black-headed Skimmer found a twig to rest upon.

A Red Skimmer decided a reed was the place of choice

It took a lot of photos to get a dragonfly zipping around the dam.

The Cape Waterlilies are in bloom this Autumn

I have a couple of Golden Corn plants and this year they have flowered

The Pink Trumpet bushes have had one of the best flowering. Looks like I need to water them a lot more to get lots of flowers like this. The bushes have hundreds of flowers

It is always lovely to see native flowers pop up

I was sitting at the computer when this bloke decided to walk around my desk

Well, Our Moon is up, so I better get going. I hope you enjoyed a look at what I found in April. As always I would like to know your favourite photo or photos.

As always join Ju-Lyn from Touring My Backyard for The Changing Seasons

About The Changing Seasons

The Changing Seasons is a monthly project where bloggers around the world share their thoughts and feelings about the month just gone. We all approach this slightly differently — though generally with an emphasis on the photos we’ve taken during the month.

For many of us, looking back over these photos provides the structure and narrative of our post, so each month is different. Some focus on documenting the changes in a particular project — such as a garden, an art or craft project, or a photographic diary of a familiar landscape.

But in the end, it is your changing season, and you should approach it however works for you.

There are no fixed rules around post length or photo number — just a request that you respect your readers’ time and engagement.

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