All chopped – despite the helpers

The Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Chop

These chooks were no help when chopping wood. As soon as they heard me at the chopping block, they would appear hoping for white ants, which were fed to them readily. They really like the white grubs that burrow into the wood sometimes called Witchetty Grubs, a larvae of a Ghost Moth or Giant Wood Moth. They are a delicacy mostly eaten raw but when cooked “it is said the roasted grubs taste like a cross between chicken and prawns. The flesh will firm up with cooking, but the inside retains a soft texture much like an uncooked egg yolk.”
*From Gardening Know How

After I had an accident and hurt my back, I took my firewood blocks down the road to my mates place. He had a hydraulic block splitter. It took less than an hour to split a ute load which probably would have taken me a day at least.

And the Winner is…….
Earlier this month the Grafton Show was on. It was a bit wet and muddy but I managed to get over to the wood chop event to an Australian champion compete. He didn’t win his heat but this bloke did.

Bits of wood

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Wood

Wood to get across a river

Wood to keep warm

Growing on wood

Patterns in wood

Wooden toy on a wooden chair in front of wooden walls

Wooden boats to get around

Lots of wood in the forest

Wood to put things in

Wooden toys for fun

Songs from the wood

Square Trees Supplementary – The Collection

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge July: Square Tree

I had these ready to go but other photos seem to take over. I have a certain fascination for boxes especially wooden boxes. Yes this is another thing I try to keep under control but some times….well you know how it is. They mostly have a purpose.

There were a lot of tree songs that didn’t make the cut either

Falling out of Trees by Barcelona – soft and slow
Kissing Tree by Spencer Lee Band – funky with a groove
Treefingers by Radiohead – quite atmospheric
In my Tree by Pearl Jam – bit rockier

Here is a small sample of the boxes from big to small, some toys and a few of my other “addiction” – Elephants, these are some made from wood.

These wooden suitcases hold my photos I try to sell and other items when I go to the markets. I am looking for a leather handle for the one on the left.

I use this recycled box I bought as a display stand. The wooden stool on the right, my grandfather made.

An old looking reproduction box

Just one of the elephants

Three small boxes. One quite old and I like the other two with inlays. The bottom one is maybe from India like the Indian Elephants on the left. There are three that fir inside each other

Some wooden toys I have found at the markets most likely some Grandpa’s shed projects.

This photo is an after thought, also not square (sorry Becky). A wonderful pull along toy on a chair me Grandfather also made.

I like this one. It is Bamboo with a felt lining. Maybe at one time held coasters, now holds match boxes near the fireplace.

This is one of the large boxes. It is filled with photo frames I have bought and they get used every now and then. It was a tool box and has a few compartments.

It has been used in the past to hold the Christmas presents with the Christmas bears and others standing guard

One of my favourite big boxes. It has a green flock lining. The hard to read engraving on the outside show the box was used by The Crown Cork Company from Southall Middlesex England but I cannot find a date

Of course there are quite a number more but that’s enough I reckon. Thanks for hanging around with me and my square trees and a bit of music. Some of the songs I haven’t heard before so it was good to enjoy some new music with you. I wonder what October Squares will bring us?

Square Trees #17 – wooden shoes

Becky’s Square Photo Challenge July: Square Tree

I was reminded of shoe lasts that my bestie owns by Becky and her post about Mr B’s Tree

Your tree song for today

These old wooden shoe shapes were used by shoemakers to mould and shape shoes. There are two sizes. The smaller ones could be childs shoes or perhaps a small woman. The other larger one has a name on the side of the person the shoes were being made for so the shoemaker didn’t have to measure each time.

I also found some small wooden shoes that my girls grandmother bought back for them on her overseas trips years ago plus a pair of little clogs from a tourist place, The Clog Barn, in Coffs Harbour.