
The Photo a Week Challenge from Nancy: Unexpected

I love the unexpected in photos. Most time I don’t realise until I download and see the photo on the big screen. The featured photo. I was taking photos of bees in the Bangalow Palm flowers and didn’t see the Eastern Dwarf Green Tree Frog sitting among the flowers

The insect on the Dandelion
180628_lost in detail_dandelion_insect

So often there is a small spider in a flower
171012_blog challenge_scale_spider03
I guess it must be unexpected for a spider to have someone poke aroundspider_yellow flower_named_oct2013
Going for the sun through the Grevillea flower and get photo-bombed by a dragonfly170315_dragonfly blog_flying

Not the best fisher on the river that day
pelican_fishing_grafton_named_june 2014

Another photo-bomb, this time a bee
grevillea_red_bee_named_home_august 2017

I was taking photos of Banana flowers and didn’t notice until I enlarged that there was a murder taking place. An Assassin Bug has an ant. Most unexpected
assasin bug_bananas_named_home_sept 2017

Chatting at the bird bath

The Weekly Prompts Word Prompt: Idle Chatter

We humans have a propensity to gather at the coffee machine or kettle or water cooler at work where we can have a bit of a chin wag. So perhaps a place where there is water to drink and to bathe is a place where birds like to congregate and indulge in idle chatter.

silvereyes_birdbath_named_caniaba_jan 2019


miners02_bird bath_binna burra _feb 2012
Sometimes idle chatter can lead to arguements180822_blog challenge_scene_birdbath5_king parrots


spangled drongos__bird bath_named_binna burra_march 2016


red browed firetail_silvereye_bird bath_named_home_aug 2018


silvereyes_bird bath_named_home_aug 2018


rainbow lorikeets05_bird bath_home_named_oct 2014

Blue #25 – Midnight blue

This months square challenge from Becky: Blue

The theme for July is ‘blue‘, and as always it is totally up to you how you interpret the square theme but whatever you decide to do, please remember there is a rule if you want to part of the Square Gang and be sure your photos are square so you can make it into the gallery.

