It’s happening now

CFFC: Spring – Wood

I decided to do another CFFC post as the last one was the “Wood” part of
Cee’s “Spring _ Wood” challenge. (and a double dip) As it is Spring here
it’s only fair I do a post. Sorry about the old photos, I have been quite busy
and am tired. Tags have the photos contents.

This is a classic. Enjoy a chair dance with me

Harmony in the bath

Kates Friday Fun: Harmony

Enjoy a bit of Harmony as you have a look at the selection of birds in the bird baths over the years. Click on any photo to enlarge if it takes your fantasy.

The Pink Bloodwood Tree

I was intending to write about some of the trees on my place this year. Waiting for trees to flower, produce gum nuts and being there when they do, has been a failure on my part. I put some Pink Bloodwood nuts, which I photographed a while ago, in a post and a few people were interested about the nuts and the trees. Here is the gum nut photo I posted of the urn shaped nut which are10 – 20mm in length and 8 – 16mm wide.

Here is one of the many Pink Bloodwood trees, Corymbia intermedia, which grows on my property. This one is just down the hill from my house. Pink Bloodwood trees can reach 20–30 m (65–100 ft) in height with a 10–20 m (35–65 ft) spread. The scent from the blossoms is quite strong when the Bloodwood trees flower between December and March.

As you can see, Pink Bloodwood trees have a distinctive bark when compared to the other trees in the bush behind.

Why are the called Bloodwood trees did you say? When there is a change in weather or damage to the bark or growth of the tree, particularly when the tree is flowering, they exude sap which can look similar to blood.

This sap is a food source for Gliders, Squirrel Gliders, Yellow-bellied Gliders and the Gliders I know I have here, Sugar Gliders and Feather Tail Gliders. Gliders have been seen by researchers biting and chewing the bark to get the sap to run out and licking the sap. I am sure other possums, insects and animals would enjoy the sap as well.

The sap running down the tree can resemble globules of blood. The sap hardens in the sun and sticks to the bark. The First Nations people of Australia are said to have used the sap to treat wounds, burns and sores.

I have not seen the sap do this before. A series of strings clinging to the bark was a fascinating find.

The flowers have a distinct habit where the flowers are in bunches of seven on the end of the branchlet. The flowers are 20mm in diameter and mainly occur on the top and higher branches of the tree.

Often the bees can be heard buzzing away attracted by the flowers scent as are many of the Honeyeaters. The Blue-faced Honeyeaters came in numbers to feast on the flowers nectar.

Then, almost just like that, the flowers die leaving the fruits behind which have closed valves encasing the seeds which open after a short while to spread and drop to the forest floor.

This is not before seed eating birds come to eat the seeds from the nuts in the tree like this Silvereye.

Then the gum nuts fall to the forest floor and you can now go back to the start of the post where this story began.

Little legs

The Bird Weekly – Photo Challenge: Short Legged Birds


The word prompt from CitySonnet: Olive

There are a few birds that come around my place that have lovely olive coloured feathers. The featured bird is a Figbird.
This one is actually an Olive-backed Oriel
olive backed oriel_bird bath_named_home_oct 2017
The little White-throated Honeyeaterswhite throated honeyeaters_named_home_april 2016
Blue-faced Honeyeaterblue faced honeyeater_named_home_sept 2104
A Silvereyesilvereye_honeygem grevillea_named_home_may 2018

It’s the threes

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: 3 items or the number 3

The Pelicans
pelicans_light_pole_named_evans_head_april 2019


pelicans_asleep_named_ballina_jan 2018

The Pelican and friends
pelican_cormorant_seagull_brunswick heads_named_feb 2014
At the bird bath series of threes
Silvereyes and a Red-browed Firetail Finch190106_blog_challenge_three_bird_bath2
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters drop inyellow faced honeyeaters_birdbath_named_home_may 2018

Red-browed Firetail Finches have their turn
red browed finch03_three_binna burra_named_dec 2013

The Scarlet Honeyeater watched as the Silvereyes had a drink
silvereyes_scarlet honeyeater_bird bath_named_home_aug 2018

A Few Birds

Joining in with Kate and here theme: Birds

This particular post is in memorium to the terracotta bird bath that has given so much pleasure over the years. Over the weekend, possibly during a wild storm on Saturday, the terracotta bird bath plummeted to the ground and breaking into many many pieces. The bird bath had survived other falls but not this time unfortunately.