Round and blue and something deadly

January Colours and Letters Photo a Day Challenge – 20th: Starts with the letter Q

The round and blue part

Here is a few fruits of a Quandong tree also known as Blue Figs,

And now for the deadly part.

When I had chooks a few years ago, it was devastating to find dead birds after a Spotted-tailed Quoll paid a nocturnal visit. Notoriously hard to catch, I set the trap with a dead chook previously killed and I managed to trap it. I released the Quoll in the Gibraltar Range National Park in the morning. Once I opened the cage it was gone in milliseconds before I could get a photo of the Quoll not in the trap.

Balanced Composition

CitySonnet’s February photo a day challenge 26th: Balanced Composition

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All things, that if I were to be serious, a Balanced Composition the above isn’t.

Balanced composition is harmonious, simply the elements of that picture are symmetrical about the center, horizontal or vertical symmetry.”

flower_centre_named_binna burra_june 2017



The February Photo a Day Challenge 4th: Faces

I see faces almost everywhere
The unfortunately named Jap Pumpkin 190322_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_looks_like_face_pumpkin
“It may just be an old wives’ tale, but it is said that Jap pumpkin derived its name from growers who weren’t sure of how to market it, so they chose the acronym of Just Another Pumpkin!”

The skull like tree
The goofiest slippers ever190322_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_looks_like_face_shoes
This has to be the smuggest tree tree face_lismore_named_june 2014
Are you as shocked as this oil burner at the number of faces I have found?190322_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_looks_like_face_burner