A bit and a lot

Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Minimalism/Maximalism

Most people know I like minimalism, especially using nature, but in particular trees. I started doing a series of photos of a Tuckaroo tree in my garden but I couldn’t get the feel I wanted for this theme.

I dug around my archives and folders to find what I wanted and hope this sequence works well.

Using a bit of a dead tree and a cloudy sky for dramatic effect

Much the same but this time using sunlight to stand out from the clouds

More of a She Oak and using the distant mountains as a background

Or going green with a solo tree in a paddock. Cattle tracks in the grass break up a total green scene

Going more maximalism with a fine Fig tree to showcase its richness of form and design

Again highlighting the burnt branches after a fire with new growth and colour. The maximalism of every surface covered with something

Do you regard this photo as minimalism or maximalism. The sky bathed in colour and trees in the distance made to look small

Perhaps this is the opposite with a tree in silhouette dominating the foreground and a strong sky fighting for recognition

The theory of maximalism in that every part of the mountains covered in trees even though there isn’t a chaotic array of colours but a subdued hue of blues

I must end on minimalism with a concurrence between a branch, a leaf and Our Moon

On the angle

Debbie’s One Word Sunday: Diagonal

Couldn’t decide on one so here’s a few diagonals


Intentional Camera Movement in the garden

A Pelican

Some clouds

A female Golden Whistler on a diagonal branch. There one minute and gone the next


The word prompt from Sheryl: Frustration

What is frustration?
Frustration is………..

Trying to have your lunch when friends drop over
great cormorant09_fish_clarence river_named_grafton_sept 2018
Trying to have a drink when someone comes along who is argumentative
180822_blog challenge_scene_birdbath5_king parrots
Trying to have a bath when someone drops inmusk lorikeet_rainbow lorikeets08_home_named_nov 2014 - Copy

Your Mum washing your face in public
blog_black and white_face washing
Getting that fabulous photo of a bird and all you end up with is a branch170630_blog challenge_over_branch01

Featured Photo: Missed again

Leaves, Trees and Branch

I am doing a combination of photo challenges. These photos are for Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Leaves or Trees and the Daily Post word prompt: Branch

Again I have been experimenting with what my Canon Powershot can do as well as utilising some features of my photo program Corel Paintshop Pro 2018. I hope you like the results of what my camera and I can do to enhance my experimental photos

This is the original photo
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Did you have a favourite?