Golden orange or orange and gold

Terri’s Sunday Stills Monthly Colour Challenge: Incandescent #Orange and Glowing #Gold

After landing their space craft and infiltrating the what they thought were the natives but in reality became part of the Jacksons garden. Instead of taking over as planned they fell foul of Mr Jacksons garden shears. Over the years they came to dread the sound of snip snip coming closer and closer

Sunsets are reliable to send a bit of orange every now and then

Orange Trumpet flower with a water drop for extra shine

Golden clouds hover

Golden Lycra flowers light up the garden

Early morning sunlight glistens on a Golden Orb Weavers web, battled scared from last nights incidents

A golden snake statue by Salvador Dali

Let’s finish with a bang

and another to make you go ooh ahh

Also Cee’s FOTD

It’s my time

Lens-Artists Challenge #266: Time

Time, I have a bit, if you care

1. the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.

  • the continued progress of existence as affecting people and things.
  • time or an amount of time as reckoned by a conventional standard.
  • the personification of time, typically as an old man with a scythe and hourglass.
  1. 2. a point of time as measured in hours and minutes past midnight or noon.
  2. 3. plan, schedule, or arrange when (something) should happen or be done
  3. 4. measure the time taken by (a process, activity, etc., or a person doing it).

Fully informed, off we go looking at time from here to there or should that be there to here.

Enjoy a quick sunrise

Even in Pompeii the sun rose until that fateful day. Over time the peoples lives are being rediscovered, buried, untouched for hundreds of years, apart from looters.

Time is trickling by, like the sands…….

A glimpse of a time past, which would have taken a lot of time to make.

Sometimes time can be topsy-turvey

Time that fits in your pocket. Always have your time with you

When time has no meaning, perhaps lost in the hands of time

Yesterdays tomorrow today

When time is a bargain

It’s good to spend time at the beach

We all know what time it is at the end of the day when the Laughing Kookaburras sing goodnight to the setting sun

The moon rises, not long to bedtime


The Kookaburras silhouette is on the end of the branch on the top left hand side

Always watching

Todays Prompt: Eye

You never know who is watching. Sometimes out in the sun warming up an Eastern Water Dragon will be looking out for a snack wandering past while also making sure he isn’t someone else’s snack.

Ever watchful for a shoal of fish to swim up the estuary, just ready for scooping up by an Australian Pelican with an ever watchful eye.

Never far from a good food source, watching, waiting for fruits to ripen, sunflowers to open
King Parrots bright eyes see everything.

In the trees, if you look up, perhaps you will see someone watching you through the leaves of a Fig Tree like Figbirds like to do

Even down at the water front there are eyes watching everywhere.

Some eyes have found fame, known all over the world

and some eyes………well I’ll leave this here. You can make up your own mind

But is it?

FOWC: Imposter

I looked
I looked once again
I am sure
it moved.
But it’s
bird poo
on a leaf
It cannot
But then
a scurry
and it
was moving.

I was amazed
It is a rare
to see
in my garden.
Count the legs
too blurry
scurry indeed.
No need
to rush.
No one
would want
to eat
a Bird Poo Spider*

*not the real name. It’s real name is Bird-dropping Spider (Celaenia excavata) and derives its name from mimicking bird droppings to avoid predators, mainly birds. Also to attract insects for a snack.

Apologies to the arachnophobes for the lack of warning that I was posting a cute scary spider

Water Reflections – Abstracts #96

Jez’s Water Water Everywhere #191

Thanks everyone for you enjoying last weeks different from the usual post.
Back to playing around a bit this week.