Minding Teddie

John’s Cellpic Sunday

Beware cuteness overload ahead

I was doing a bit of dog sitting of Teddie, an energetic Miniature Fox Terrier
I have known since he was a puppy. We had a bit of a run around the house,
throwing and chasing a toy.
Yes, I tired first and plonked myself on the lounge. It wasn’t long until the
nudging at my leg stopped.

A moment not to be missed

Some may remember Teddie four years ago. Here he is around eight weeks
old weighing one kilogram. He now weighs four kilograms

Going on a treasure hunt

Lens-Artists Challenge #219: Treasure Hunt

Tina wants us to search for:-

  • A pet or pets (yours or someone else’s)
  • The moon or the sun (extra credit for both in one image)
  • Clouds (extra credit if you also include rain or snow)
  • A reflection
  • A child (extra credit if with other family members)
  • An umbrella (extra credit if you include a person using it)
  • A truck (extra credit if you include the driver or what the truck is hauling)
  • Autumn foliage (extra credit if it’s something that only blooms in the fall)
  • Something fun you found on a walk

Teddie enjoying the morning sun

I love Our Moon

Clouds with rain in the distance – extra credit photo 🙂

One of my favourite reflection photos

A little bee riding her horse at the Glen Innes show in the dress-up parade – extra credit photo as she is with her Mum 🙂

Models walking through Rome and I have no idea what they were advertising – extra credit as they are using their umbrellas 🙂

In the fire truck on their way to a fire or emergency – extra credit as you can see the driver 🙂

I don’t really have any Autumn leaves as I don’t really have Autumn here. These leaves are Autumn leaves in Lyon

Something I found on a walk on my place after the fires. First time I have ever seen Purple Fringe Lillies here.

It was fun going through my folders on this treasure hunt. A great idea Tina