Moving (towards the end)

Becky’s #SquaresRenew

It’s the end of a month of squares. We have seen burgeoning, some moving forward, renew and reconstruct.
So it’s time to move forward slowly in a renewed and reconstructed car that is burgeoning with style and class

Thank you Becky for being strong and making everyones month of May fun.

It’s time to go as it’s The End

From here (it’s all downhill)

John’s Cellpic Sunday

When you live in the foothills, life has it’s ups and downs

As I drive home but the mountain is really a hill
“First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is
First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is

What goes up (must come down)

CWWC: Which way with the colours of brown or black

This is the Harwood Bridge. A 1.5km long bridge and is 30 metres above
the river to allow for shipping. Looking south at the approach it doesn’t
look very daunting.

Heading north is a bit different especially when the road disappears for a
second or two.
The crops either side of the road is sugar cane one of the biggest
agricultural industries on the lower river. I am trying to remember if the
white part on the right hand side is a passing shower or smoke from a
cane fire

I thought I should show you what The Harwood Bridge looks like from the
Maclean Lookout.

Some may remember looking beneath the Harwood Bridge a while ago.

The road to where

The word prompt from Frank at Dutch goes the Photo: Road
The Ragtag Daily Prompt Tuesday: Lost

Is this the road?
Should we come this way
Let’s stop and see
That sign, over there
But I can’t find that
On the map
Don’t worry
Look at the flowers
Don’t worry
Stupid map
We’ll find it
Perhaps another sign
We’ve stopped
We’ve come this way
Is this the road?

Another favourite for Sarah’s 30 days 30 songs

Which Way May 30 – Driving Home

Driving home for Which Way

I was driving home the other day and stopped at road works. I thought I would try and get some of the works in action. From there it has become part of my drive home from town, the last twenty kilometers or so. Sit back and enjoy the drive.
Getting the job done190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home2
The water truck which is responsible, and the oncoming traffic, for the state of the windscreen190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home3
Looking back190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home4
The top of the hill and the straight stretch to the west and home190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home5
This part of the highway was reconstructed a few years ago. In the distance is Bakers Hill, a local name. The Baker family owned all the land both sides of the highway early last century. The geographical name is Mt Ramornie. It is not what people from overseas would call a mountain.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home6
The road up Bakers Hill.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home7

and down the other side
Heading over the hill into the valley where my place is.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home9

The last creek crossing, not far now.
Onto the gravel road. It’s a bit rough as the road only gets graded and repaired once a year so make sure your dentures don’t fall out, tighten your bra straps and seat belt.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home012
The last bit before turning into my road. It’s a bit narrow so I hope we don’t meet a logging truck, cattle carrier, gravel truck or any other big vehicle.190530_blog_challenge_which_way_driving_home013

Well that’s it. The rest of the photos were of the blobs of dirt on the windscreen and into the sun. My blog header gets us in the gate.

Hope you enjoyed the ride home. Perhaps a tea or coffee and some cake or it could be wine time and snacks.

The late Alvin Lee and Ten Years After blowing away the folk at Woodstock