All chopped – despite the helpers

The Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Chop

These chooks were no help when chopping wood. As soon as they heard me at the chopping block, they would appear hoping for white ants, which were fed to them readily. They really like the white grubs that burrow into the wood sometimes called Witchetty Grubs, a larvae of a Ghost Moth or Giant Wood Moth. They are a delicacy mostly eaten raw but when cooked “it is said the roasted grubs taste like a cross between chicken and prawns. The flesh will firm up with cooking, but the inside retains a soft texture much like an uncooked egg yolk.”
*From Gardening Know How

After I had an accident and hurt my back, I took my firewood blocks down the road to my mates place. He had a hydraulic block splitter. It took less than an hour to split a ute load which probably would have taken me a day at least.

And the Winner is…….
Earlier this month the Grafton Show was on. It was a bit wet and muddy but I managed to get over to the wood chop event to an Australian champion compete. He didn’t win his heat but this bloke did.

A pile or two

The Tuesday Photo Challenge: Stack

A song to scroll to….not a stack but a pile….I hope you enjoy

Can you have a stack of Fungi?

Is this a stack of chairs?

Books are always in stacks

Someone can come and help me stack the firewood please

Why it takes me ages to do stuff

I thought I would do a re-post for Lisa’s Bird Weekly Photo Challenge. This week is Domesticated Birds

Also for Ragtag Daily Prompt Friday: Again

I often go outside to do things around the house such as splitting firewood, or a bit of gardening, work on the car for instance. Sometimes I get asked “Where have you been? You’ve been gone for ages and lunch/dinner is ready.” Or “What has taken you so long? You were just going to split a wheelbarrow of firewood.”

Well, you see I have some helpers. Oh, so you have helpers I hear you say. So it shouldn’t take you very long to do stuff if there are helpers!!!

My helpers are always there whenever I go outside, ready to be with me to see what they can do to make my jobs a lot easier. Yes, everywhere I go they always tag along to make sure I do a good job.

This is how they help in the garden.

Just so you know I had put a small plant in the garden right there.

“Did you say something?” she said.

At the chopping block. I am always telling them to watch out as a block of wood flies off the block.

“Hey. Got any white ants or bugs up here?” If I stop to get another block to split, there is always a chook up there!

Now you would think that working on the car, compressor going, the sound of air tools and perhaps a bit of language from me, would be not the place to be wouldn’t you?
chooks_under car_named_home_2017

“I think I’ll settle in here for a while.”
chook_under car_named_home_2017

I love my chooks and don’t really mind with their “help”……most of the time.


The word prompt from Nancy for Photo for the Week Challenge: Work

One of the main bits of work I have to do around here is cutting and getting firewood for Winter. Yes, it does get rather hot but over Winter here in the foothills, the nights can get quite cool. Sometimes this can be quite a challenge or a quite peaceful way to spend a Winters day.
Come with me and help out with a bit of work.

Quite often I would start the chainsaw and the Pied Butcherbirds would appear
pied butcher bird02_chain saw_named_home_july 2018
After a bit of cutting and time to have a rest, the Butcherbirds would swoop in and check out the log.pied butcher bird03_chain saw_named_home_july 2018
Synchronised bug huntingpied butcher bird04_chain saw_named_home_july 2018
Always on the look out making sure I had a longer rest than necessary. Are you ready to go again?pied butcher bird05_chain saw_named_home_july 2018
Back at home time to unload the cut rounds and start splitting the wood for the fire. Of course the sound of wood being split attracts the chooks who come looking for snacks. Standing on the chopping block is one way of delaying the work that has to be done.chooks1_block_looking_named_home_2017
What are they looking for? Most times it might be white ants which chooks love or sometimes it could be a Centipede hiding in the crevices in the wood. 190816_blog_challenge_yellow_centipede
A ute load of wood split and ready for the Winters fire.190219_blog_challenge_winter_firewood_ute


The word prompt from Nancys Photo a Week Photo Challenge: Fire
So much fire.

There’s the to keep warm outside on a winters nightfire04_home_sept 2013
Of course there is the Fire Sticks plant in the afternoon sun
firesticks_named_binna burra_july 2017

or the flowers of a Fire Wheel Tree
fire wheel tree flower_named_grafton_march 2017
The glowing embers as the fire dies downfire03_named_binna burra_august 2015
Always need a fireplace190122_blog_challenge_fireplace_garys_duroux_rd_jackadgery
and firewood to go into the fireplace to cook or keep warm190219_blog_challenge_winter_firewood_ute
There is the fire of hell that religion depicts on church windowsstained glass_fire_avignon_may 2012
Some days it seems like our Sun is on fire170408_summer_fire02
The magic of fireworks180627_colourful_fireworks7
The skill of the fire twirler190128_blog_challenge_sunday_stills_night_fire_twirler1

The life savers in the Sky Crane to put out the bushfires
helicopter_fire_crane_caniaba_feb 2019

I couldn’t forget to put in a Red-browed Firetail finch
red browed finch02_binna burra_named_dec 2013

Or candles to remember and pray in the church
church candles_bologna_named_oct 2015

A Day in My Winter

The word prompt from Bren for the Photo for the Week – 28: Winter

My Winter is spent a lot of the time cutting Firewood. Quite often, when the chainsaw starts, a Pied Butcher Bird or two arrive to investigate the scene.
pied butcher bird05_chain saw_named_home_july 2018

The disturbance of logs once cut and sometimes the bark removed entices the birds in the hope of having a snack or two
pied butcher bird04_chain saw_named_home_july 2018

Then it’s one final glance as I start “Old Smokey” and head for home
pied butcher bird02_chain saw_named_home_july 2018

Job done for a while

Why it takes me ages to do stuff

I often go outside to do things around the house such as splitting firewood, or a bit of gardening, work on the car for instance. Sometimes I get asked “Where have you been? You’ve been gone for ages and lunch/dinner is ready.” Or “What has taken you so long? You were just going to split a wheelbarrow of firewood.”

Well, you see I have some helpers. Oh, so you have helpers I hear you say. So it shouldn’t take you very long to do stuff if there are helpers!!!

My helpers are always there whenever I go outside, ready to be with me to see what they can do to make my jobs a lot easier. Yes, everywhere I go they always tag along to make sure I do a good job.

This is how they help in the garden.

Just so you know I had put a small plant in the garden right there.

“Did you say something?” she said.

At the chopping block. I am always telling them to watch out as a block of wood flies off the block.

“Hey. Got any white ants or bugs up here?” If I stop to get another block to split, there is always a chook up there!

Now you would think that working on the car, compressor going, the sound of air tools and perhaps a bit of language from me, would be not the place to be wouldn’t you?
chooks_under car_named_home_2017

“I think I’ll settle in here for a while.”
chook_under car_named_home_2017

I love my chooks and don’t really mind with their “help”……most of the time.