Last on the Card – 31 May

Last Photo for May

Your last photo doesn’t have to be on the very last day of the month if you didn’t take any photos on that day. Maybe it was earlier in the month when the last photo was taken.

So let’s see what you have for end of May

The rules are simple:
1. Post the last photo on your SD card or last photo on your phone for the 31st May or whenever your last photo was taken.
2. No editing – who cares if it is out of focus, not framed as you would like or the subject matter didn’t cooperate.
3. You don’t have to have any explanations, just the photo will do
4. Create a Pingback to this post or link in the comments
5. Use the tags The Last Photo and #LastOnTheCard

Here’s mine. Last months photos were another mixed bag.

From my Samsung Galaxy S23FE

From my Canon PowerShot SX70HS

From my Canon EOS 1300D

Your choice (it’s going round)

XingfuMamas Pull up a Seat Photo Challenge 2024: Week 22

More show rides for you to enjoy

Hop in, seat belt on, hold on tight, you might end up going upside down

Stand up, strapped in and away we go……fast. Behind the white ball are two young women alternating between laughing and screaming. The bloke with his back to the photo just stood there.