My numbers up #20

Judy’s Numbers Game #21
RDP Monday: Offbeat
Cee’s FOTD

Judy’s numbers for this week – 142. I’ll check for photos in my media files with a 142, if nothing appears I’ll switch to 412 which gave up a couple and then 214 to gather some more.

I was going to do some sort of order but I like the randomness of the photos.

40 thoughts on “My numbers up #20

    1. That’s the fun isn’t it not knowing what going to turn up.
      The 100’s & 1000’s was from a post I did on Fairy Bread that was so alien to the rest of the world. I think the challenge was an invitation to morning tea, bring a plate 😁

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    1. Thanks Graham. You are almost right, they are tiny coloured balls of pure sugar on white bread usually reserved for kids parties, added to with red cordial, and a kids party really kicks off 😂

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  1. That’s quite a collection Brian. My favorite was the sun radiating down on the abandoned double-decker bus, but the pond lily flowering by the pad was pretty. Did you count the jellybeans?

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