We’re pretty (pretty noisy)

Bird of the Week Invitation: XLV

I do find it amazing that I haven’t featured Rainbow Lorikeets, Trichoglossus moluccanus, one of the most distinctive and colourful birds I have around here. I have done quite a number of posts in the past with Rainbow Lorikeets. Maybe you will enjoy this Rainbow Lorikeet post which you can asses you mood for the day if you wish. It also includes some of the photos in this post.

Rainbow Lorikeets are found from the north-west right around the coastline to southern Australia.
Like a lot of parrots, they will pair for life.

Their abundance is possible due to more people planting native trees and shrubs that attract Rainbow Lorikeets as a food source. They are found in most locations from rainforests to woodlands and in urban locations.
A Rainbow Lorikeet is feeding on a Penda flower in the street in Byron Bay

When there are large flocks or even just a few they can be quite vocal. They are described as “frequent screeching and chattering”.
Have a listen, you may have to turn up the volume but not full, you’ll wake the pets in the house or maybe a partner.

REF: http://www.graemechapman.com.au/index.php

Imagine the vocal arguments when the bird bath is full

Even wet they can look quite colourful

And from the rear they look quite beautiful. These will possibly be juveniles as the “yellow collar” hasn’t fully developed

“The eggs of the Rainbow Lorikeet are laid on chewed, decayed wood, usually in a hollow limb of a eucalypt tree. Both sexes prepare the nest cavity and feed the young, but only the female incubates the eggs.”

All real estate needs a good inspection before taking possession.

Rainbow Lorikeet mostly forages on the flowers of shrubs or trees to harvest nectar and pollen, but also eats fruits, seeds and some insects
They seem to know when my Bottlebrush are in flower and there is always a pair in the garden, sometimes more than one.

REF: https://australian.museum/learn/animals/birds/rainbow-lorikeet/

There can only be one song when She’s a Rainow

A rat rod (got ink)

Mindlovesmisery’s Menagerie: Photo Challenge #497

She heard the engine
The Beast
soon to drive
session booked
into the parlour
getting inked

her design
a small star
the ink seen
in summer

My numbers up #1 (123)

Judy’s Numbers Game #2: 123

This seemed hard for me at first especially as yesterdays numbers 9909 didn’t exist in my media files. But todays numbers are OK as I forgot that I also use numbers when I name my files, which in most cases is the date. So todays 123 is fine and there are a few photos to pick from.

There you go Judy, I’ll get some in