Re-Living the Past #26 – My First Red Photos

Weekly Prompts Colour Challenge: Red

This has been an ongoing series of looking back at some of my very first photos I posted. I wonder what the age range will be for “red things” I was surprised I hadn’t covered “red” thing before as I have most other colours.

I just did a search for red and the first in August 2013 were some red berries

It was a wet year and fungi of all sorts popped up. Tiny red ones were a treat

Dianthus are one of my favourite flowers

A close look at a Nasturtium

A red lily? of some sort

A red Hibiscus, one of the many in the garden

A Robyn Gordon grevillea flower that was first posted in August 2015

Honorable mention for not being totally red but have a red name, Red-browed Firetail Finch from 2014

and a Red Skimmer Dragonfly from 2015

Tall windows

Ludwigs Monday Window

Recently I went to the border town, Tweed Heads to see a concert. I stayed
in the resort complex surrounded by high-rise. These were opposite my
room and were part of the resort.

There was also a view of the Seascape Tower. My FIL’s company he worked
for had apartments in that building. They would stay there every year for
holidays and we would take the kids to have a few days at the coast. I
think the apartment was on the seventeenth floor

The shed with a difference

XingfuMamas One-to-Three Photo Processing Challenge: December 2023

The old shed along the highway is slowly being enveloped by vegetation. To
me, it’s not a particularly good photo, that’s why I thought it would make
a good subject for a bit of one-to-three action.

The original photo unchanged

Add a bit of age with a Sepia wash and a light vignette

Just a red selective colour again with a light vignette as it looked so plain
by itself. I also darkened the shadows.

From dull old shed to a bit of fantasy.
A preset called Depth by Design. I have control over how much I wish to add
This photo is set at 80% with colour match 100%
I reduced the lightness a bit, increased black tones and colour saturation

The photo software I use is Corel PaintShop Pro Ultimate 2023

A bit of this and that

Lens-Artists Challenge #278: Unique

A unique name to attract customers to your market stall

Every bubble is unique, ask any four year old

Together as a whole Pandanus fruit but unique in their own way

Every fingerprint is unique

As is every sunset

The orange blob

Johns Cellpic Sunday

The recent rain and hot days has produced a variety of fungi. This is a wood fungus, quite a stand out in the bush. Pity the photo is not as good as I would have wished. On the up side, isn’t the wood texture wonderful