Warning!!! Do not look at this post. It is lethal

The Ragtag Daily Prompt Wednesday: Lethal

Of course you know me, I am going to post something lethal.

There is a story to the photos.

I was doing a bit of gardening, weeding here and there, planning on expanding the size of the garden and moving the rock border.

Well, I worked out what I am going to do and started shifting the garden border rocks.

Much to my surprise there it was, all ready to have a go.

I hoped it would stay as I replaced the rock and went inside for my camera as I don’t carry my camera when I garden. For those who need to stop, here is a pretty picture of my garden

As you can see I am stretching out the post so those who are afraid of lethal insects can stop now, close the post and sigh a big relief that they weren’t scared out of their wits.

Those brave souls who have decided to continue on, let’s get to the photos of a Mouse Spider, a common spider but seldom seen around my garden.

Oh yeah, one gardening tip is to always wear gloves as you never know what you may encounter.

Are you ready?

Here is the Mouse Spider all fanged up and ready to strike

Some mouse spiders have a very toxic venom which is potentially as dangerous as that of the Sydney Funnel-web Spider. However, few cases of serious envenomation have been reported. Unlike funnel-web spiders, the mouse spider is believed to use less venom and possibly even “dry bite”. https://australian.museum/learn/animals/spiders/mouse-spiders/