A bit of a disagreement

The things that happen around here.
I try do to help out the birds and animals in the current drought situation. I have quite a number of bird and animal watering points around the garden plus I have a couple of home made bird seed feeders for the seed eating birds such as parrots and doves mainly. I had to make the big one in the foreground as the old one crashed to the ground and broke thanks to fat possums jumping on it to see if there was any leftover seed.
Anyway, this is a bit of a story and action that happened this morning

“Hey you, what do you think you you’re doing hanging around here?”
“There’s enough to go around you red faced idiot!”
“What did you call me?”
“You heard!”
“Go on, say that again feather head!”

“Go on, get out of here. We don’t need your type around here.”
“And wipe that grin off that dopey face.”

“Yeah that’s it, fly off you scarlet chicken. Keep going, we don’t need your
type around here,”

“I don’t want to see those stupid tail feathers again.”

“That’s it. All the way. Don’t stop until you can’t hear me.”

*On the feeder the girls discuss the latest
“Did you hear that ruckus Darlene?”
“I did Shazza, those boys should learn to get along.”
“I think Dazza just wanted to get Gaz out of the way as he fancies you.”
“Ya reckon. Well he is a bit of alright I guess.”

“Look out Darlene, here he comes and I think he wants to nibble a bit more
than some seeds.”
“Strewth Shazza, you are awful. That’s right, leave me before he gets here.”
“You’ll be fine Darlene.”
“Did you hear that?”

“I just heard Gaz whistle so I might see what he has found”

(King Parrot call from https://www.graemechapman.com.au/index.php)

Historically old….almost all

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Autumn – Metal

I have chosen a few photos of things from the past made of metal of some kind.
First off is a bronze bell wrapped in iron lace work in Lismore

A steel girder on the old Grafton Bridge

Tobacco tin from the 1920’s. I had to have a look at what they sell for, anything from $A49 to $A117 but watch out for the “mint condition” tins as there were 1,000s of reproductions made in Hong Kong

Had to have some shiny silverware

A mix of metal to finish. Tin, cast iron and brass in a bit of old farm machinery

You know I have to get a bit of nature into my posts even if they are a bit left of field. How about a
Metallic Green Carpenter Bee?