International World Bee Day

I do have a few bees around here so lets celebrate #WorldBeeDay together.

Without bees our world would be so different. Bees are the life blood of our plants, all plants even those that some consider weeds.

This gallery of bees are all photos from over the years. Please enjoy
One of the first bee photos I posted way back in 2013. A Blue-banded Bee zooming around my gardenblue bum bee_binna burra_crop_feb 2012
I have lots of Australian Native Stingless Bees. They are quite small, about 5mm. This one is harvesting pollen from a Bangalow Palm flower that had fallen. Aren’t the pollen sacks full!!bangalow palm flowers8_native bee_crop_home_april 2012
Carpenter Bees love coming around my garden when the Cassia trees are in flower.bee_casia_home_named_jan 2014
Considered a weed, Singapore Daisies are food for bees.bee_named_crop_binna burra_feb 2015
As are Fireweed flowersbee_yellow flower_binna burra_named__april 2016
One of a lot of peoples favourite photos of a Stingless Native Bee with a Lilli Pilli flowerstinglessw native bee_named_brunswick heads
A Carpenter Bee foraging in a pink Lilli Pilli flowerbeetle__named_grafton_nov 2017
Stingless native Bees love Crosus flowers too.171220_blog challenge_letter r_crocus_bees
Blue-banded Bees and Blue Ginger flowers go together.180327_before and after_blue banded bee_blue ginger
Another weed flower that bees lovebee_flower_named_caniaba_oct 2018
The herb Basil should always be left when it goes to flower as bees love the 2018
Zinnia flowers are bee favourites as wellbee_pink_flowers_named_caniaba_jan 2019
Day Lilliesare great calling cards for bees191125_blog_challenge_macro_monday_flower_day lily_ant_stingless native bees
When the Pentas are flowering they are irresistible to Teddy Bear Bees 2020424_blog challenge_top_teddy bear bee_flower_pentas_jackadgery
Salvia flowers are always on the bees shopping listbee_blue banded_salvia_garden_named_caniaba_april 2020
Getting up close with a bee and a Zinnia flowerbee_zinnia_named_caniaba_april 2020
I love Teddy Bear Beesbee_teddy bear_pentas_flower_garden_named_home_jackadgery_april 2020