Birds Around My Neighbourhood

Two photo challenges caught my eye today.

Lens-artists: Around the Neighbourhood

Jenns: Feathered Friends

Come for a quick walk around my neighbourhood. There is my dead end gravel road which is about three kilometers long which has an intersection with another gravel road which is paved about sixteen kilometers from my place. It goes from the highway to a long way away, perhaps fifty kilometers.

Lets get going.

The Noisy Friarbird will often let others know we are about
noisy friarbird_tree_named_home_nov 2018
Listen for a chip chip and look at the tree trunks to see a White-throated Treecreeper scouring the bark for an insect or twowhite throated treecreeper_named_home_oct 2018

The lovely face of a Blue-faced Honeyeater
blue faced honeyeater_honey gem_grevillea_named_home_oct 2018

You might hear the wings of the Eastern Spinebill before you see one zoom past
eastern spinebill_grevillea_named_home_july 2018

The Pied Butcherbirds song will fill the forest as we walk along
pied butcher bird05_chain saw_named_home_july 2018

We may see a Jackie Winter sitting on a fence
jackie winter_named_home_june 2018
Lovely little Eastern Yellow Robins will be chip chip chipping seemingly endlesslynorthern yellow robin_named_home_june 2018

Of course the familiar sounds of Kookaburras will resound around the bush
kookaburra_named_home_oct 2017

Small Brown Honeyeaters will be silently having a snack on a Bottlebrush
brown honeyeater_named_home_august 2017

A flash of colour and a Spotted Pardelote will fly by
spotted pardalote_named_home_june 2017
A Forest Kingfisher, a sudden flash like a blue jewel, as he flies through the bushforest kingfisher_close_named_home_march 2017

The unmistakable squawking of Rainbow Lorikeets as they argue about whose branch it is will get your attention

The beautiful song of a Rufous Whistler will kep you spell bound for ages

A whistle, a flash of red, the smallest honeyeater is unmistakable in the bush

High in the tree, the resident Square-tailed Kite will keep an eye on you

While overhead it’s mate will soarsquare-tailed-kite_flying_named_home_sept-2016
Up the road a bit, some Crimson Rosellas have a snack on the horses feedcrimson-rosellas_named_home_sept-2016

What’s that chatter chatter chatter? I hear you say. The Grey-crowned Babblers walk about the forest floor snacking on unsuspecting insects talking about their day

More jewels in the sky as the Rainbow Bee-eaters gather

Another remarkable song and bright yellow of the Golden Whistler will make you stop and listen
golden whistler01_named_home_may 2015

Musk Lorikeets can be seen as they feast on the nectar of Pink Euodias
musk lorikeet02_named_home_feb 2015
The largest bird of prey, a Wedged-tailed Eagle on the lookout for an unsuspecting wallaby or animal, will sit silent until we get to closewedged tailed eagle01_named_home_feb 2015

A bit more whistling heralds that we are near some King Parrots
king parrot_home_crop_named_dec 2013
A strange metallic sound draws our attention to the iridescent and distinctive tail shape of the wonderfully named Spangled Drongo spangled drongo_home_named_oct 2014

A Satin Bowerbird who is similarly coloured to a Drongo will be in the bush sometimes finding food
satin bowerbird_male_home_named_june 2016
or finding sticks or blue stuff to decorate and construct his Bowerthe-bower_named_home_feb-2017

Thanks for dropping by and having a bit of a walk around my neighbourhood. I hope you had a good time.

Pick a Word in March

My favourite photo challenge, Lost in Translations Pick a Word

This month Paula has supplied some words that had me thinking and trying to find just the right photo to match the word supplied.



circuitous and inversion


180828_blog challenge_counrty road_the gorge




sand ball_crab_named_broken head_april 2015



How did you think I went?

What’s in a Name?

V.J.’s Weekly Challenge #38: What’s in a Name

V.J. asks “As I type up each week’s summary, creating links to various blogs, I am struck by how different blog names are, and compelled to ask: what’s in a name? Specifically, your blog name.”

My blog name comes from years ago when I was referred to as bushboy as I live in the Australian bush. The term bush is used for anywhere outside of cities. More specifically I live among the trees with birds and animals. The word bush means means different things to different people. Going bush is getting away from everything to a place of peace and being at one with nature. It is not a geographical term it is an evocative feeling.

I asked Twitter what does the bush mean to them. I had a couple of replies

“It’s the ‘real’ but often overlooked Australia; an incredible network of life that sustains our existence and makes our continent unique.”

“I think “the bush” has meaning in terms of what it’s NOT .. that being “the city”. It’s simple generic imparts a non stated overall “unknown” and perhaps even “unknowable””
“Harsh paradise”

“The Australian bush is a varied description that can apply to forested areas or equally to arid areas with little more than just some bushes or somewhere in between but regardless it’s a natural area with little influence from humans”

“Untouched by greedy developers and self interested entrepreneurs”

“Ancient unique wild lands that underpin everything I love about being Australian as opposed to just being another citizen of the planet”



The world part is just that. In bushboys world it is all about my little part of the world and occasionally other parts of our world where I have travelled, but mainly it is all about my place in Australia, my town, the beaches and the rural land where I live.

Trees surround my house and are in my garden. I live in the forest but forestboy doesn’t have the same feeling that is within me. So I am bushboy and this is my world.

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181010_blog challenge_pool_pond_durranbah_waterhole_water


180630_square rooves_my place_tool shed


180630_square rooves_my rooves_tall shed



Spiky Squares #10

Becky has started a new photo challenge for March #SpikySquare Drop into Beckys Spiky Square site for some details and other peoples spiky photos.

The rules are simple:
Have fun interpreting the spikiness but don’t forget there is ONE absolute rule for this daily photo challenge – your main photograph must be square.
