Every shed (has a treasure)

Dans Thursday Doors

After a brief detour via Glen Innes last week, we’re back on track with the shed series. This one is in the Clarence Valley as most of the sheds have been so far.
Every shed I have found has been dark or doors shut. This shed complex has a secret treasure in the shadows

A Supertramp song I have never heard before Ever Open Door

Some Days (focus)


This video was taken in September 2019, three months before my place was engulfed in flames. The skies for the rest of that year were this eerie, orange, until the fire swept through and the rain arrived in January.
It was an accident. I wanted to take a photo of the sky sun and bit of the branch.
Unbeknownst to me, somehow I pushed the start video button, waited for the camera to focus and took a photo.
This is today, wander in a fog doing stuff, focus get more done, back to fog. I decided to clean up my videos, found this one and thought you may as well.

Used my loaf (did well)

CMMC May: Pick a Topic From My Photo

Well wasn’t this fortuitous. Cee’s photo of magnetic words, I have the same ones on my fridge, included was the word loaf.
Two nights ago, or last night for most of you, I baked bread. It turned out so well I had to take some photos to share with friends.
The reason it turned out well was I was having failures. I tried a few remedies but nothing seemed to work. I worked out I was not using enough flour and yeast plus water was a bit out. Out with the scales and measured instead of my that’ll do measuring. Adding an extra half a teaspoon of yeast as well. I can’t remember when was the last time I looked at baking instructions.

The bread board was made by my eldest daughter, the bread knife I remember since forever. It might have even been my parents wedding present, loaf of bread by me.

My favourite is a warm slice of bread with butter and honey.

It is only fitting – Make It With You by Bread 🤗