Once mighty (now on a stick)

John’s Cellpic Sunday

This Autumn the Golden Orb Weavers had huge golden webs all through the garden and bush, Once the web is no longer in use, I take them down when they are where they were on the garden paths.
The very sticky golden web remains. I put this in a tree and the birds will take some for nest building

The web certainly is a Golden Thread

and for the traditionalists, the Pete Seeger original

A day in Glen Innes (museum version)

Debbies One Word Sunday: Red

Another photo from a cold, eventually wet, day in Glen Innes. Pulling up to the Museum, History House, the skies opened and it poured. Waiting for a moment, then a lessening in intensity and the museum was the place to be while it rained.
The museum is in the very old hospital so there are various rooms of exhibits, including the photographic room where I found this woman from the past

what else but Kodachrome

Walk on (never alone)

Beckys #SquaresRenew

Walk on
never alone
go forward
is there
always with you
share the day
the moment
cry or
smile or
never alone
walk on.

Oh look……..yachts!!

Sculpture – ‘To Be or Not to Be’ by Keld Moseholm

No points for guessing this one, the first song that came into my head as well. Gerry and the Pacemakers – You’ll Never Walk Alone