Looking at China (from afar)

Debbies One Word Sunday: Above

The aeroplanes fly from South Korea to Europe above China. Some of the landscapes and views were quite amazing. Out of an aeroplane window but still the photos came out OK. I had no idea where I was or what I was looking at.

Crossing the Clarence (new and old)

Weekly Prompts Weekend Challenge: Bridge

That is where we are going, to have a close look at the Harwood Bridge crossings over the Clarence River

Here are the two bridges side by side. The old bridge had been in use for many years and had it’s limitations. In order to let tall ships and boats through, the centre span of the bridge was raised effectively shutting down the major highway. I was in a yachting flotilla once where the bridge was opened to let us through and back a few days later.

The new bridge not only allows for free flow of road traffic but has also made that section around Harwood flood free, a frequent problem here.

A look under the bridge

The lifting gear for the old bridge on the right. The bridge deck is permanently raised on the old bridge now.

Out in the sunshine feeling’ groovy