New, old and small

CFFC: BMW – The ultimate driving machine

I did not think I had any photos of BMW’s but a careful look among the
motorbikes found one when a group of bikes stopped for a break at
Raspberry Lookout. Funnily enough I happened to be there.

A Trike came up from Coffs Harbour and was taking people for a ride around
town for a stupid amount of money. I tried the “let take some action photos,
maybe a video for a free ride. I’ll put them on my blog and you’ll be famous” 😁
He looked at me quizzically. I told him I have over two thousand followers
worldwide. He looked at me quizzically. He let me take a couple of photos for
free. So when you are in Coffs Harbour, look him up whatever his name was
and be taken for a ride.

Holy mechanical marvels, it’s Batman and Robin. I wonder how the freight
company will talk their way out of this one.
“Don’t worry Frank, no one will ever notice.”
“I don’t know Ernie, I am sure someone will!”

What a wonderful looking Kombi. A mate and I used to head away on
weekends and holidays in his Kombi. A self contained house on wheels.
Such a good time.

In its day this would have been a farmers pride. Can take the missus to
town to shop, can get a few things from the produce store, toss it all in the
back and get back home without complaint. The ute was partly designed
for that purpose. The farm women didn’t want to drive home from town in
a car that smelt of fertiliser or other smelly farm chemicals.
This is an Australian built Holden Ute model FX first built in 1951

The Gerbera

Monochrome Madness: Trying something floral

The Gerberas are flowering in a small garden bed. It appears that they
are safe from being munched most of the time. I have planted more
this year.

This is a pink flower from last years plants in the morning sun

Thanks for the theme idea Leanne. I enjoyed editing the photo to monochrome