
The Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #97 – Pastimes

Where to begin. Do I have more than one pastime? That is an easy one to answer, yes.

Did you know I like to photograph nature? Pop “nature” into the search box on my page and maybe you’ll find a few pictures.

Did you know I like to get into the garden? Try garden and see what comes up.

Did you know I enjoy travelling? Travel in the search box may surprise.

Did you know I like cooking? If you search recipe, try one of mine.

Besides all of these, I really enjoy music. As a lot of my posts contain a song which I think is relevant to the theme of the post, a song could be included. A search will bring up too many posts to even think about. I listen to music while writing, cooking or mucking about with my photos. This is playing now

Here is few photos of my music gleaned from older posts
A few of my CD’s190111_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_music_related_cds
Part of my vinyl collection – 45’s and LP’s190111_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_music_related_vinyl
Lots of music magazines191122_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_stacked_music_magazines
as well as books190111_blog_challenge_blackandwhite_music_related_books
Yes I play guitar190910_blog_challenge_guitars_acoustic
One of my first guitars I bought with the money I earned working in a factory while still at school190910_blog_challenge_guitars_electric_splendor
The last guitar I bought190910_blog_challenge_guitars_electric_epiphone

Well there you go. That’s a bit about me and my pastimes

Behind the facade

Photo for the week – 68 – Facade

He builds the walls
decorates the room
His creation for her
a place to dance
a stage to perform
Will she like what she sees
Is this the man for her
Can she see deep into his being
and find a way into
his heart
or is this a facade
a temporary construct
of a blue fantasy


This is an actual Satin Bowerbird’s bower on my place. When I found this one I was just amazed at the number of blue things he had found to decorate the bower. I am not sure what the love heart came from or where many of the objects were collected as I know they weren’t from my place, except a blue peg or two perhaps.