Pentas flowers bring lots into the garden

Ragtag Daily Prompt Wednesday: Abundance

I love how Pentas flowers always attract insects to the garden and sometimes the occasional small honeyeaters will stop for a snack.

Blue-banded Bees always seem to be buzzing about

Hornets get a bit of sustenance as well

The wonderfully named Teddy Bear Bee pops in from time to time

At the moment there are a lot of Lemon Migrant Butterflies in the garden

Always have the many varieties of Line-Blue Butterflies around

Most years Caper White Butterflies stop in on their migration

Australian Painted Lady Butterflies look striking on the Pentas flowers

One of my favourite butterflies, Blue Triangles are always welcome

Scarlet Jezebels love the sweet flavour

Orchard Swallowtails are the largest butterflies in the garden. Their wings are always moving to keep balance

I don’t have many visitors to the pink Pentas flowers. A couple of days ago I noticed one of the bushes moving and saw a Fuscous Honeyeater feeding

Eastern Spinebills like to drop in often

Also for Cee’s FOTD

37 thoughts on “Pentas flowers bring lots into the garden

  1. Brian, these photos and your words have transformed my cold winter Northern Hemisphere day into a summer delight, for which I give you sooooo much gratitude and appreciation. Gorgeous flowers, insects and what an eye you have for visitors! Kudos.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. ooh I better qualify that in as much that is also a flower that attracts butterflies, although what it attracts are nowhere near as splendid as what your pentas flowers attract

      Liked by 1 person

    2. So wonderful Becky 🙂 Unfortunately something in Buddeja flowers gives me headaches. There were a couple in the garden, one near a workshop which had to go


  2. You are so lucky to have all those beautiful butterflies visiting. I have some on my Pentas, but now the caterpillars have decimated the whole plant. Eaten every leaf. Now just stalks left. But they do this every year and they always grow back. Natures pruning…

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Pentas seems to be the only plant in my garden that they target. They’ve stripped one. Now moved to another part of the garden and started on another clump. I don’t get so many lovely native birds either

        Liked by 1 person

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