I am here in a way

Yes, I am around still. My computer decided that over Christmas I should have an enforced blog break.

The timing is so wrong as I’ll be home but unable to post as I have to use this tablet or phone to mainly respond to comments.

What is worse is I am unable to download or view my photos on the big screen. Now I wish I had scheduled some posts as I have somethings to share that I thought you would enjoy.

Oh well, I can’t get the assistance I need until next year but still might try to get back on my blog if I can do something myself. Everything seems to work I just don’t have a screen. I bought a new screen yesterday but my computer is old and used to be reliable so the connection cable is different but then again it could be the video/graphics card has packed it in.

Might see what I can pick up in the Boxing Day sales after juggling finances.

Have a fabulous Christmas everyone 😀🎅🎁🌲🥗🥂🤗

What used to happen

The Len-Artists Challenge #128: And Here Comes the Holiday Season
Photo a Week: Christmas

Due to my current situation, as my cousin put it, being a Neuro-prisoner and not being able to get out and shop apart from a quick trip to town on weekends with my daughter to do grocery shopping, my Christmas has been put on hold. Sure I’ll get together with my besties and my family but no presents this year and totally uninspired to even make presents as I would have done in the past.

Speaking of the past, here’s a journey into previous Christmases

The best Christmas present

This year I went to my besties for Christmas. I left home after making sure there was as little to catch fire around the house, smoke heavy in the air and the heat of the day beating down on my place.

After a bit of last minute shopping and wandering around, we headed home to her place with a bit of the promise of a storm. That night and the next and the next, we sat on the verandah and watched the lightning flash all around and thunder booming in the sky.  A bit of rain fell occasionally drumming loudly on the roof. I was hoping I had a bit of rain at my place too. Over the three days there was 32mls in her rain gauge.

Come Christmas day we had a lovely time with family and friends, seemed to be endlessly washing up and cleaning even on Boxing Day. This morning we had a relaxing start to the day. Breakfast on the verandah, watching the birds in the bird bath, listening to the sounds of the birds and the bush and the farms as they woke in the morning. I headed home. As I came over the hills I looked at the fire scarred landscape as I descended into my valley noting there wasn’t any smoke on the horizon or anywhere to be seen.

As I got closer to home there wasn’t much evidence of rain from the previous few days. None of the plants in the garden looked like they were desperate for a drink so I guessed I had a bit of rain. After I unpacked the car, I wandered about the garden noting that all the bird baths and water containers I put out before I left still had water in them after being away for four days. I went over to the post where the rain gauge sits.

I looked, rubbed my eyes and looked again. The rain gauge held SIXTY-THREE mls.
What a Christmas present!!! The water tanks are full, the smouldering stumps and logs should be quenched – at least the ones in the bush around the house are.

I went to the near empty house dam. The dam is about one-quarter full.

Remember this dam a few weeks ago?
house dam_low_water_burnt_named_9 dec 2019
This is todayhouse dam_water_named_dec 2019

Ragtag Daily Prompt Wednesday: Christmas
Daily Word Prompt 25 Dec: Joy