This is the month…..

…..when a special visitor arrives at my place.

Ragtag Daily Prompt Saturday: Rosy Hues

I was sitting in the garden talking on the phone when he came by. Sitting in the Grevillea and they over to a bird bath. I didn’t have my camera and the phone camera wasn’t available as I was on an important call. So to let you see what I hope to see maybe tomorrow or during the week ahead, which gives me a rosy hue is the beautiful Rose Robin.

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A shaggy dog in the dunes

Debbie’s Six Word Saturday

Debbie’s post – Long tail and a shaggy dog tale – made me think of a shaggy dog. This shaggy dog started life as a piece of dune vegetation. With the inventiveness of an artist and a photographer, who were walking through the dunes track, exploring and finding things it was then that the vegetation began to develop into something.

A bit of greenery added, some Banksia cones placed here and there, soon a shaggy dog began to appear.


I often wondered if anyone else noticed our shaggy dog. Often when we go for a walk something on the side of the road or track sparks a bit of creativity and quite often a bit of laughter. I am sure we are not the only people who create from found objects and leave them for others to find.