Travel Challenge day 3

I was nominated by my friend Judy Dykstra-Brown to post one favorite travel picture a day for ten days without explanation, then to nominate someone else to participate. That’s 10 days, 10 travel pictures, and 10 nominations. Let’s see if I can make it to the end of ten days, but for now I nominate Anita
Post wherever you wish but link to me so I know you have. If you are not interested, that’s OK.

Our World

The Tuesday Photo Challenge from Frank at Dutch goes the Photo!: Our World

A mixture of places I have been.
shutters_florence_named_april 2012


180607_blog challenge_arch_colleseum_rome


180607_blog challenge_arch_arc de triomph_paris


180611_square rooves_toledo_spain


170928_blog challenge_signs_madrid_tapas


180820_blog challenge_over 100 years old_luss_scotland_cottage2


180817_blog challenge_street light_london eye


180617_square rooves_temple_seoul_south korea


170426_water_grafton_crown hotel


180625_square rooves_sydney opera house


171116_blog challenge_bridges_venice02


180424_blog challenge_which way_home gate

And my take home messageone planet